

时间的状语.例如:A.I guess that will be okay,but if I think that the movie is too violent then we are leaving. B.There is a great
Egyptian exhibit coming to town soon. This is a world-class exhibit. C.They are coming back in a few minutes. D.I'm flying to new
York next week. E.What are you doing this evening?
四.用进行时可表示过程.例如:A.Her heart is weak.She's getting older. B.Well,you know it's getting hotter out.Short hair helps keep
me cool.注:有些表示感觉,情感的动词不能用进行时.这种动词主要有:know,understand,love,like,hate,feel,desire,wish,want,refuse,remember,forget,
hear,see,smell,taste,notice,believe,agree,think,have,depend,seem,belong to,consist,possess等,这些动词通常用一般现在时表示说话时发生的动作.
例如:A.Do you understand the chemistry home work? B.It's good to hear you're making friends. C.Alex,I think the dog needs to go out.
D.I agree with that.It is hot out today.
for ten minutes,since 2001,all day等.也可以用表示到目前为止的时间状语,如:so far,up to now,until now等.例如:A.Have you finished your homework,
young man? B.I've had the current battery for about 3 years. C.Hey,James,I haven't seen you in a while. D.How long have you been here? E.Some
of my friends and I have formed a team.We need another player.
never等.例如:A.I've already finished I can help you. B.My son's only four years old,so I haven't told him the truth yet. C.Robert was there
with a new girl I have never seen berofe.Who was she? D.Have you ever heard of the flu?I'll get sick.
三.表示从过去开始到目前为止这段时间中反复发生的动作或多次出现的状态.常与频率副词如:often,always,every week等连用.例如:A.I've always wanted
to go to Alaska.Maybe do some fishing and hiking. B.I guess you could say that.I've always cherished it.
里没有人称,数的变化,而动词be有变化,其过去式was用于第一,第三人称单数,were用于其它各种人称. 一般过去时由动词的过去式表示.规则动词的过去式是在动词
B.用法:一.表示在过去时间里发生的动作或存在的状态,常与表示过去的时间状语连用,如:yesterday,last night,a few minutes ago,last Sunday,last year,
three days/months/years ago,the night before last,just now等.例如:A.Thank you.I just arrived last night. B.No,I was here years ago. C.Wow!Did you
see the rain this morning?
二.表示过去经常或反复发生的动作,可与时间状语often连用,used to(过去常常)加动词原形或would加动词原形也表示过去经常,反复发生的动作.例如:A.I don't
think schools are as good as they used to be. B.Always.We always had dogs in my family.
三.从过去某一时间考虑,已经预先计划或安排的肯定将要发生的动作.例如:A.I thought you said you could finish this report by Tuesday. B.It said there
was a snow warning tonight.I don't think you should be out driving. C.She told us that school opened on the following day. D.They went to bed early
that evening as they started the next day.
B.几种形式:一.be going to+动词原形 常用于表示已经决定,安排,打算,计划,准备要做某事,也可表示某种迹象表明很可能发生的事.例如:A.How do you think
you are going to do on tomorrow's test? B.Are you going to tonight's volleyball game? C.It's going to be cold.
二.be about+to+词原形表示"不久就要......即将发生"不能与表示将来的确切的时间状语连用.例如:A.I'm just about to go out with some friends to dinner.
B.Look.They just turned the lights down.I guess that means the movie is about to start. C.It's really cold out.I was about to go to bed.
三.用某些瞬间动词如go,come,stay,leave,start,begin等的一般现在时表示即将要发生的动作.例如:A.Then you should start getting ready for bed soon.
B.So how would you like to begin today's lesson?
四.某些动词如come,go,arrive,leave,fly,start等的现在进行时表示即将发生的动作.例如:A.I guess that will be okay,but if I think that the movie is too
violent then we are leaving. B.I'm starting to agree. C.The train is leaving. D.Our manager is giving a report this afternoon. E.They are not coming.
C.用法:一表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态,常与gomorrow,next time,next year,in a few days等表示将来时间的状语连用.例句:A.I'll call you next week.
B.I will meet you at your desk in an hour. C.Then what shall I do?
人称时.可表示说话人将来的意愿或允诺.shall I(we)...?这类疑问句通常用于证求对方的意见.will you...?常用来表示说话者请求对方许可等.例句:A.When you get to
feel better,I will be happy to show you around the city. B.I will be glad to help you find a place. C.I know Bill and I will have to work something out.
D.Will you go set the table,please?
人称用have,be有三种形式,am,is,are, am用于第一人称单数,is用于第三人称单数,其余人称用are. 一般现在时主要由动词的原形表示,如果主语是第三人称单数(he,she,it)时,则在
动词原形后加s或es,动词have有两种形式:have,has.第三人称单数用has,其余人称用have,be有三种形式:am,is ,are. am用于第一人称单数,is用于第三人称单数,其余人称用are.
B.用法:一.表示经常发生的动作,存在的状态或现阶段的习惯. 常用于一般现在时的时间状语有:often,sometimes,usually,always,seldom,in the morning,every day,on Sunday
等.例如:A.Yes.Is the weather always this nice in Beijing? B.What time does the mall open? C.Is this the bus that goes by the mall?
二.表示不受时间限制的事实或客观真理.例如:A.Measles is an acute,infectious disease. B.War and piece is a constant theme in history. C.A plane is faster than a car.
C.The earth moves round the sun.
三.含有时间,条件,让步等状语从句的复合句中,主句用一般将来时,从句则用一般现在时表示将来的动作.例如:A.When you get to feel better.I will be happy to show you around the city.
B.We will call you when we get settled in. C.If it is fine to morrow,we will go to the countryside.
四.表示已安排或计划好将来必定会发生的动作或存在的状态时,可用一般现在时.常用于这类句型的动词有:be,come,go ,arrive,leave,start,begin等.例如:A.Thanks a lot,What time do you
start check-in? B.I leave for Germany on the 11th of next month.
五.在某些表达法中,表示现在正在发生的动作或存在的状态.例如:A.Asia is four times as large as Europe. B.Here comes the bus! C.There goes the bell!
第1个回答  2007-03-25