refuse sb to do sth到底对不对

He refused to share the box of chocolates she received 这个是refuse to do sth ,的句型吧

然后还有人说不可以用Refuse to do sth ,
误:He refused me to go.正:He refused to let me go. ■他们拒绝让我做这工作。误:They refused me to do the work.正:They refused to let me do the work. ■父母拒绝让我去南方。误:My parents refused me to go to the south.正:My parents refused to let me to go to the south.


只有refuse to do sth 或refuse doing sth.

refuse sb to do sth是中式思维,这个语法是不对的
第1个回答  推荐于2018-03-10
没有refuse sb. to do这种表达方式,
refuse to do或者
refuse sb. sth.
例句The United States has refused him a visa...
第2个回答  2015-07-27
你上面不是有正误么 正就是正确啊 句型就是refuse to do