请帮我翻译一下我的心得感想 拜托了 恳求!!紧急呀

After watching this film, it gave me a new understanding about the profession of teaching. As a teacher, he was able to love his students, to accept all of their things and respect their thinking, also continuously educating them. He is truly no doubt the greatest teacher.

In the movie, this teacher has created a set of unique teaching methods. He is emphasis on respecting the students, encouraging them and is keeping a good communication with their parents. In the same time, in order to be able to communicate easier and be accepted both at school and in the society, he insisted on that students must obey rules and regulations, learn to respect others and that has helped him building a very stable relationship with the students.

给个例子: 在电影中他为了吸引学生们的注意和兴趣,他用了种种方法,例如编写有关历史的饶舌歌(RAP). 为了教学,有时甚至不惜让自己出丑。此外他还有许感人的地方,不辞辛劳地教导,不停地为学生想办法;发现他们的潜能
For example: in the movie, inorder for him to attract students’ attention and interests, he used all sorts of ways such as wrote some rapping about history. For the purpose of teachinghe even didn’t mind making himself a fool. Apart from all these, he also has many things which had touched people. He carries on teaching without any complaint.Never stop thinking of a new way, and to discover the students’ talents.

This teacher uses his love and wisdom to save them. A good teacher will not afraid of the reality test. He would encounter plenty of failures but will never complain. He has only the thoughts of his working ways.

He takes the initiative to be the teacher of the worst class and grade in the whole district. The students he is facing with, they are all from the lower class of the society, care free, liberal and undisciplined.They gamble, fighting, dancing and doing makeup in the classroom. Openly intimidate the teacher, making a mess of the classroom that the teacher has painted it himself personally. They sit on the desks and chat, disregarding the existence of the teacher and never obey school rules and regulations….

It is such a class that he insisted on and patiently asking the students to follow the class rules, which was compiled by himself and added up gradually. Each one is according to the actual characteristics of the students, mainly based on students’ habits and behaviours, such as when talking to the teacher they have to address him “sir”, line up in the canteen and so on actual workable rules. The teacher is enforcing the rules rigorously but not harsh,more love and patience. He clearly knows that the reason he is controlling the students this way, which is for making them to become useful persons.Therefore, even when the whole class was backing Amy, who has denied jumping the queue, so that everyone was starved. He refused to give Amy the sarcastic treatment. Instead, he patiently and sincerely told her: “We are a family. Family don’t deceive each other.”

When Amy admitted that she did jump the queue, the teacher did not rub it in but looked her in the eyes and said to her, ”I am really proud of you.” The teacher never once insulted the students while enforcing his rules, never lost his patience or using any word of accusation. Always use a positive, encouraging and directive tune to tell the students that he loves them and they are a family. In order to draw the students’ distance closer, the teacher made a wager with them. If he learns double jump from the students then the students have to learn the knowledge from him.

The teacher used his own ways of clumsy at the beginning and skilled later, which has gone through a most difficult process to tell the students that they can also overcome all kinds of difficulties and will eventually succeed. In order to cultivate their confidence, the teacher puts a huge cake in the classroom and putting candles on it. Using his own story of jumping down the cliff, he told the children to believe themselves and believe in their teachers. He used his love and wisdom, not even afraid of hurting himself. Although at first the teacher’s conditions were too harsh on them, using a way of drinking a glass of chocolate milkshake every 15 minutes just to keep them quiet so that the lessons could be carried on, the students still were not quite interested in learning. Therefore, the teacher has used a unique teaching method to inspire the them, helping them learned their knowledge. The way he used was the children’s favourite dance music discs to teach them the history. He gained the approval of the children and making them feeling interested in learning. He used his careful and kind attention on each student's strengths, giving them confidence. So they began to like their teacher. Under the teacher’s education, this class of children became the top class of the whole school at last.

With his unique charm ——a great deal of stamina, patience, persistence and self-challenge, the teacher has overcome the students, and he always manages to discover the students’ strength and specialities. He never afraid to encourage them and through many different angles, he got into the students’ life, and into their hearts. This is the beginning of all the changes. As a teacher, we should learn from this teacher, must have the constancy of patience. Also have to give the students the chances to correct themselves all the time. Help them to build their confidence. Find the right way into them and open up their minds. Let the warmth and sunlight to shine in their hearts and should never give up because of making a mistake.

