给份英语测试提,初一下册的 有答案的(增加悬赏的) 不要白不要啊 2天之内



GO for it 七年级(下)期末质量检测英语试卷

第一部分 听力部分
( )1. How was the weather yesterday?

( )2. What did Cathy’s mother do last Sunday afternoon?

( )3. Where did Peter go on vacation?

( )4. What does Ruth’s aunt do?

( )5. Who is Lucy’s English teacher?

( )6. What are Mary and Lily doing?
A. They are working. B. They are playing. C. They are talking.
( )7. Which man is Li Lei’s uncle?
A. The one has curly long hair. B. The one has straight hair.
C. The one has curly short hair.
( )8. How was Meimei’s weekend?
A. It was very good. B. It was terrible. C. It was bad.
( )9. What kind of TV shows does Mike like?
A. Culture China. B. Sport News. C. Healthy Living.
( )10. Where is the girl’s pen pal from?
A. Japan B. Canada C. France
( )11. What animal do they want to see?
A. Pandas. B. Tigers. C. Lions.
( )12. Where are the pandas?
A. They are on the right. B. They’re across from the koalas.
C. They’re on the right of the koalas
( )13. Where is Tom?
A . In Shanghai B. In Pairs. C. In London.
( )14. What’s Peter doing?
A. He’s doing his homework. B. He’s having lunch.
C. He’s watching TV.
( )15. How’s the weather in Shanghai?
A. Hot and humid. B. Hot and sunny. C. Sunny.

第二部分 读写做部分
( )16. — bowl of noodles would you like?
— I’d like a small bowl of noodles.
A. How much B. What size C. How many
( )17. — Look , Tom is at the pool.
—I want to swim, too.
A. reading B. swimming C. singing
( )18.— your mother go fishing?
—No, she didn’t. She went shopping.
A. Does B. Is C. Did
( )19. — Peter, don’t eat in class. — .
A. Excuse me, Ms Clark. B. Sorry, Ms Clark. C. It’s right, Ms Clark.
( )20.—What did you do last Sunday? — I .
A. went to the movies B. stay at home C. am visiting my friends
( )21. The world news is really boring. I it.
A. don’t mind B. like C. can’t stand
( )22. My friend Sam wants to be actor.
A. the B. a C. an
( )23. —Is there a restaurant near here? — .
A. Yes, it is. B. No, there aren’t. C. Yes, there is.
( )24. — do you think of game shows? —I love them.
A. What B. Where C. How
( )25. —How ’s the weather? — .
A. It’s my birthday B. It’s raining C. It’s Monday
It’s Saturday evening. Bruce is having a birthday party. There are a lot of children at the party. They play together for an hour. Then Bruce’s mother gives them some food. But she forgets to give Sam any.
Sam feels wronged(委屈) but then he remembers his mother’s words:“Be polite. Don’t ask for food.”So he waits for a few minutes, then he holds his plate up over his head and says loudly, “Does anyone want a nice clean plate?”
( )26. What day is it?
A. Sunday. B. Saturday. C. Monday. D. Friday.
( )27. What do the children do in the afternoon?
A. They read books. B. They sing together.
C. They play together. D. They dance in the classroom.
( )28. Who gives them some food?
A. Sam. B. Bruce’s uncle. C. Bruce. D. Bruce’s mother.
( )29. Sam’s mother tells him not to .
A. play in the street B. ask for food C. play with girls D. swim in the river
( )30. Why does Sam ask the question “Does anyone want a nice clean plate”?
A. Because he has a nice clean plate. B. Because he wants some food.
C. Because he eats his food quickly. D. Because he has two plates.
Bill is from Australia. He lives in Sydney. He can speak French and English, but he can’t speak Chinese. He has a pen pal in the United States. Her name is Lisa and she lives in New York. Bill’s favorite sport is basketball and he can play the guitar. Lisa’s favorite sport is tennis. She can’t play the guitar, but she can play the piano and sing very well.
( )31. Where is Bill from ?
A. Australia. B. France. C. the United States. D. the UK.
( )32. Lisa is an .
A. Chinese B. American C. English D. Japanese
( )33. What languages does Bill speak?
A. Chinese and French. B. English and Chinese.
C. French and English. D. English and Japanese.
( )34. What is Bill’s favorite sport?
A. Tennis. B. Volleyball. C. Soccer. D. Basketball.
( )35. What can Lisa play?
A. The piano. B. Ping-pong. C. The guitar. D. Basketball.
根据下面对话的内容,填写下面的申请表 。

A: Good morning, can I help you?
B: Yes, please. I want to get a job as a P.E. teacher.
A: Good. May I know your name and your age?
B: Nora Norton. I am 22 years old.
A: We are an international school for children of 5-12. Our children are from Japan and Singapore. What kind of language can you speak? And can you play soccer, volleyball and tennis very well? We want a teacher to teach them.
B: I can speak Japanese and English very well. I’m a good soccer player, and I’m good at volleyball and tennis, too.
A: Can you tell me your phone number and your address?
B: My phone number is 3624578, and I live at 15 Franklyn Road in Chesterton.
A: OK, Thanks a lot .I will call you in a week.
B: Thank you.
41. I’d like some (牛肉).
42. She is very beautiful but (害羞的).
43. The students like the (歌曲).
44. Sally has curly hair and she is (高的).
45. My parents (居住) in Beijing.
46. I don’t (介意).
47. I think it is a good (主意).
48. How did you (度过) the weekend?
49. My father works in a (商店).
50. Let’s go to the (动物园)tomorrow.


51. You can borrow books from a .
52. You can have dinner at a .
53. You can get money form a .
54. You can play basketball at a .
55. You can buy things at a .
must be clean(一定要干净)put up your hand(举手)leave school(离校)
before 5:00(5点之前)
Class rules
Here are our class rules. Please read them carefully.
Don’t be late for class. Please

1-5 C B A C C 6-10 B C A C A 11-15 A B C A A
16-20 B BC B A 21-25 C C C A B
26-30 BCDBB 31-35 A B C D A
36. a P.E teacher 37. Nora Norton 38. 22 years old 39. 15 Franklyn Road in Chesterton.
40. Can speak Japanese and English. A good soccer, volleyball and tennis player
41. beef 42. shy 43.song 44.tall 45.live 46. mind 47. idea 48. spend 49. shop 50. zoo
51-55 C A E D B

1. M: How was the weather yesterday?
W: Oh, it was sunny.
2. M: What did your mother do last Sunday afternoon, Cathy?
W: She cooked dinner for us.
3. M: Where did you go on vacation, Peter?
W: I went to the beach.
4. M: What does your aunt do, Ruth?
W: She is a policewoman.
5. M: What does your English teacher look like, Lucy?
W: She has short hair.
6. M: Are Mary and Lily working?
W: No, they are playing in the garden.
7. M: Which one is your uncle, Li Lei?
W: The one has curly short hair.
8. M: Meimei, how was your weekend?
W: It was very good.
9. M: What kind of TV shows do you like, Mike?
W: I like Healthy Living. It’s interesting.
10. M: Where is your pen pal from?
W: She is from Japan.
Tony: Where do you want to go now?
Maria: Let’s see the tigers.
Tony: The tigers? Why do you like tigers?
Maria: Oh, they’re interesting. And they’re really clever.
Tony: Yes, but they are ugly, too.
Maria: Oh, Tony! So where do you want to go?
Tony: Let’s see the pandas. They’re kind of cute.
Maria: Oh, yeah. I love pandas. They’re beautiful. But they’re also kind of shy. Let’s go to see the pandas. Where are they?
Tony: They are across from the koalas.
A: Hi, Peter!
B: Hi, Tom! Where are you?
A: I’m in London. I’m calling to say how you are.
B: Thanks.
A: What are you doing, Peter?
B: I’m just doing my homework. How are you?
A: Great! I’m with my pen pal. She’s from Pairs.
B: Cool! How’s the weather there?
A: Great! Hot and sunny. How’s the weather in Shanghai?
B: Also hot. And really humid.