
1. 有问必答。不管是什么问题,都要作出回答。这是最基本的原则。
2. 坦率真诚。有些涉及到专业性很强的问题,而你又确实不懂,你就坦率承认。
3. 侧面回答。有些问题要想正面回答等于是否定自己,因此要设法将可能否定自己的话,转化成肯定自己的话。
4. 反戈一击。有些问题太过刁钻,而且实在无法回答,不妨反戈一击,反问对方,也能起到意想不到的效果。
5. 在面试的过程中要有独到的见解,要有新的观点,展示出自己的个性。
4. 不要过分开玩笑,面试时能恰当地表现幽默感当然很好,如果不善于幽默或控制幽默,最好老老实实地回答问题,否则会给别人留下一个轻浮的印象。

The personal interview is the process of the business enterprise"Bole mutually horse", they pay attention to the job seeker's comprehensive character very much and make use of an ability physically.The investigation of business enterprise involves square aspect noodles, in addition to investigating the job seeker's professional technical ability, also pay attention to natural intelligence.And say by ourselves to us that is also an opportunity to change our destiny.
The job seeker wants to master with constant should ten thousand change.Want to leave a good impression for the other party first, don't be too nervous and nervous secondly, and introduce myself to also want outstanding.In addition to these, personal interview also have some a place that need to be noticed.
Personal interview of the time should attack actively, being good at breaking silent, keep aggressive of should answer appearance, be good at toward the other party body temperature, also want to end personal interview in skillful way.
Personal interview also some techniques that should answer:
1. Asked to answer necessarily.Ignoring is what problem, all want to make an answer.This is the most basic principle.
2. Open sincerity.Some involve the profession very strong problem, but you really don't understand again, you open acknowledgement.
3.The on the side answers.Some problems want to think face to face answer to is tantamount to negation oneself, so want to try to will negate an own words probably, the conversion becomes to affirm an own words.
4. The anti- 戈 is one shot.Some problems are really too wily, and can't answer, might as well the anti- 戈 is one shot, counter-questioning the other party, can also rise unexpected result.
5. Have to there is original views in the process of personal interview, have to there is new standpoint, display an oneself's character.
1.The personal interview don't drank ago, drinking would make the person's brains respond muff, being greedy for the cup will make the person lose rational;
2.Personal interview don't chew chewing gum, will let the person feel so not and seriously, earnest;
3.Personal interview don't smoke, smoke cigarette the attention that will influence the other party, and you during the period of answering a question, possibility because of smoke but the interruption talk, will leave a not good impression for person.
4. Don't play trick excessively, personal interview the ability fitting earth's surface now sense of humor certainly very good, if be not good at humor or control humor, had better answer a question honestly, otherwise give the other people leave a frivolous of impression.
On the 综 tell, personal interview we should well of performance oneself, want self-confidence with calmly.With pleased mental state, can reflect the spirit appearance of a person adequately.Hope everyone to all display an oneself's artistic talent in the personal interview of future.