马丁.路德.金的《我有一个梦想》 写英语读书报告(即读后感) 必须是英文的,500字


Martin Luther King is best known for being an iconic figure in the advancement of civil rights in the United States and around the world, using nonviolent methods following the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi.
We all know about Dr King’s civil rights work, and his I HAVE A DREAM speech. But did we all know that he had two other dreams? WHERE DO WE COME FROM HERE? that explains Dr King’s vision for the end of poverty has been out of print 40 years. He not only focused on Civil Rights, but illustrated a sort of socialist vision for an integrated society. We could have ended poverty a decade ago, except we choose to attach Iraq and blow up a trillion dollars doing it instead of ending poverty. Dr. King provided a snapshot of where Americans were in 1967. Two turning points had been reached. First, his program of nonviolent direct action was clearly winning the struggle against old fashioned southern segregation, and Dr. King was looking toward the next step. He believed that the next logical step toward setting people free was a massive government program addressing the problem of poverty. Second, within the civil rights movement, a "black power" mentality was gaining prominence. Some argued that whites should be excluded from the civil rights movement, and that nonviolence should be abandoned. Dr. King insisted that this approach would only balkanize our country, having disastrous effect, especially on blacks.
He brings us to the question of what African-Americans should do with their new, dearly fought for freedoms found in laws such as the Voting Rights Act of 1965. All Americans black and white must unite in order to fight poverty and create a new equality of opportunity. King is neither a Marxist nor a doctrinaire socialist; he instead advocates for a united social movement that would act within both the Republican and Democratic parties.
He rightly concluded the riots of 1966 and thereafter was "uprisings" against the awful reality that African American equality must a go along with adequate wages, quality schools, and decent houses. All initial aims of the Johnson
administration. African Americans were impossible without meaningful creation of jobs, quality education, and a radical change of the forms and vigorous confrontation with and the elimination over time of American racism. King asserts that capitalism itself would have be hugely revamped so it is more inclusive, and, lastly, American militarism is not only brutal to American y