公园明天开始收费 英语怎么说?

1 明天公园开始收费 / 继续收费

2 明天公园免费 / 这些天公园免费

英语翻译。谢谢, 注意第一句两个翻译的不同。

1 明天公园开始收费 / 继续收费
Tomorrow admission will resume. Today is the last of free admission.

2 明天公园免费 / 这些天公园免费
The park offers free admission tomorrow.
Admission is free at the park tomorrow.
The park offers free admission these days.

一般所说的免费要说 free admission,而不会说 the park is free

第1个回答  2011-03-31
1.The park will charge admission tomorrow.
The park will resume admission charge tomorrow.
2.The park will be free tomorrow.
Over the next few days ,the Park will be free.
第2个回答  2011-03-31
started charging money/continue tomorrow park charges 2these days free/tomorrow park free park
第3个回答  2011-03-31
Tomorrow the park will begin to charge
Tomorrow the park will continue to charge

Tomorrow the park will be free
These days the park is free