

Once upon a time, there was a surname Zhu who was called Zhu Yuan. He had a beautiful daughter named Zhu Yingtai. But because women could not enter the school in ancient times, Zhu Yingtai summoned up courage to ask her parents: "Daddy, Mom, I'm going to study in Hangzhou. I can wear a man's clothes and pretend to be a man. I will not let others recognize them. You can promise me. " I wish the outside couple finally promised her. 

On the second morning, Zhu Yingtai and his servant girl were dressed as boys to study in Hangzhou. When he arrived at the school, Zhu Yingtai met a boy student named Liang Shanbo. His knowledge was outstanding and his personality was excellent. The two people saw each other at first sight, and later, two people swore as brothers. 

Three years later, the school year expires, the same window three load, Zhu Yingtai has been deeply in love with her brother Liang, while Liang Shanbo did not know Zhu Yingtai is a girl, but also reluctant to her. When they come home, they all miss each other day and night. Shortly afterwards, Mr. Liang went to visit his home. He was surprised and pleased. At this time, he saw Zhu Yingtai, no longer the beautiful little scholar, but a beautiful young girl.

At that moment, they knew each other's feelings. Since then, Liang Shan Bo invited people to the wish family to seek their relatives. But I wish my husband had already given his daughter to Ma's son, a wealthy family. Liang Shan Po suddenly felt depressed and sick, and soon died. 

Later, his parents forced Zhu Yingtai to marry Ma Wencai. Passing by the tomb of Liang Shan Po, all of a sudden, the sedan chair had to stop. Zhu Yingtai walked out of the chair, took off the red suit, walked slowly to the grave, and knelt down and burst into tears.

All of a sudden, the thunder started and the thunder broke, and the tomb cracked. Zhu Yingtai jumped in with a smile. Then there was a loud noise, the grave closed.

When the wind dispersed and the rain cleared, a pair of beautiful butterflies flew out of the grave. It was said that this was their embodiment.

从前有个姓祝的人叫做祝员外,他有一个叫做祝英台的美丽女儿。但由于古时候女子不能进学堂读书,祝英台鼓起勇气向父母要求: “爹,娘,我要到杭州去读书。我可以穿男人的衣服,扮成男人的样子,一定不让别人认出来,你们就答应我吧!”祝员外夫妇最后答应了她。 



再见的那一刻,他们都明白了彼此之间的感情,早已是心心相印。 此后,梁山伯请人到祝家去求亲。可祝员外早已把女儿许配给了有钱人家的少爷马公子。梁山伯顿觉万念俱灰,一病不起,没多久就死去了。 


霎时间风雨飘摇,雷声大作, “轰”的一声,坟墓裂开了,祝英台微笑着纵身跳了进去。接着又是一声巨响,坟墓合上了。

