关系副词which whom的用法 回答的好加分!


介词+which /whom的用法


(1)表示地点,时间和原因的“介词+which”分别相当于 where,when,why。

I have found the book in which the names of all the early satellites are mentioned.(=I have found the book.The names of all the early satellites are mentioned in it.)

The earth on which /where we live is a planet.

I'll never forget the day on which /when I joined the League.

I know a wood in which /where you can find roses.

Is there any reason for which /why you should have a holiday?

(2)way后常用that代替in which,也可省略that。

I really don't like the way that he talks.

That was the way in which the old lady looked after us.

Do it the way I showed you.

2.“of +which”起形容词的作用,相当于whose(用来指物),其词序通常是“n.+of which”。

They live in a house whose door /the door of which opens to the south.

He's written a book whose name /the name of which I've com- pletely forgotten.


There is a rocket by which the direction of the satellite can be changed.

We carefully studied the photos,in which we could see signs of plant disease.



There is no way in which it could be brought back to the earth.(in与way是习惯搭配)


These are the wires with which different machines are connected.(be connected with是习惯搭配)

The author with whom all of us are familiar will visit our compa-ny.(be familiar with是习惯搭配)


I can't remember the age at which he won the prize.

That is the age in which people live in peace and happiness.

age在前句中意为“年岁”,与at搭配;在后句中意为“时期”,与 in搭配。

4)复杂介词须保持其完整形式,常见的复杂介词有on the top of,in the middle of,in front of,in spite of,at the back of,because of等。

We took a photo of rocket,the length of which was about 30me- tres.

Sound is a tool by means of which people communicate with each other.

They marched through the square,in the middle of which stood a monument.

5)短语动词中的介词不可与动词分开提至关系代词前。常见的短语动词有listen to,look at,depend on,pay attention to,take care of,look into,break into,get rid of,take part in,make use of,take hold of,catch hold of,catch up with,get along with,look forward to等。此时可用which,who,whom或that,也可将他们省略。

(误)This is the girl of whom he will take care.

(正)This is the girl whom he will take careof.


The space station which we drove to was in the desert.

I'll never forget the day in which I joined the Party.




There are many research stations on the earth in which outer space is studied.(which指代research stations)

We questioned the pilot,from whom we learnt that no other planes had been seen.(whom指代the pilot)

来自: http://hi.baidu.com/gaohongwei83/blog/item/d1d96a1084d90df8c2ce7946.html
第1个回答  2010-12-19
1.关系副词兼有副词与连接词两种作用。 2.关系副词所引导的形容词子句用于修饰主要子句中的某一名词或代名词,被修饰的词称作先行词,关系副词要放在先行词之后。 3.关系副词主要有四个,即when, where, why, how。此外the也可作关系副词引导副词子句。 4.关系副词=preposition(介词)+relative pronoun(关系代词) 例如:where=in which,when=on which,why=for which 这些关系副词在从句中做状语。 Would you please tell me the way how I can get to the zoo? 你能告诉我去动物园的路吗? the way是先行词。 This is the place where(that) I first met her. 这是我第一次见到她的地方。 在口语中that可以充当关系副词,代替when, why, how,只有先行词是the place时,才可代替where。 A:When should we start to work? B:The sooner (we start), the better (it will be). 我们应该什么时候开始工作? 越早越好。 the作关系副词是引导副词子句,句子结构一般为:The+比较级...+the+比较级...,第一个the是关系副词。 5.time,day,year,place,house,reason,way等作先行词时可以被省略,其后的子句不再是形容词子句,而变成名词子句或副词子句。 中文:这是他出生的地方。 This is where he was born. where he was born是名词子句。 This is the place where he was born. where he was born是形容词子句。 中文:我将在第一次见到她的地方见她。 I'll meet her at the place where I first met her. where I first met her是形容词子句。 I'll meet her where I first met her. where I first met her是副词子句。 6.关系副词有限定用法,指的是关系副词引导的形容词子句只修饰先行词。 We were very happy in those days when we studied in school. 我们在学校里上学的那些日子里很快乐。 7.关系副词有补述用法,即关系副词引导的是对等子句而不是形容词子句,主要用于对主要子句中的不足之处加以补充,前面都要加逗点与主要子句分开。 Tom got married the day before yesterday, when it was his birthday too. 汤姆前天结婚了,那天也是他的生日。 8.wherever,whenever,however是复合关系副词,表示"不论",引导一个修饰主要子句里的动词的副词子句,可加强语气或表示让步。 【参见关系形容词】 Wherever he goes, he would bring an umbrella with him. 不论他去那里,他都带着一把雨伞。
第2个回答  2010-12-19
d)关系代词which 的用法
在非限定性定语从句中,只宜用which, 不宜用that
Beijing, which is the capital of China, is a very beautiful city.
This is the hotel in which you will stay.
Let me shouw you the novel that I borrowed from the library which was newly open to us.
a) 关系代词和介词
This is the hero of whom we are proud.
I want to find the very pen with which I wrote that letter.
This is the the hero that( who/whom忽略)we are proud of.
The people(who) we met at the party were very friendly to us.
Here is the man( that) you have been looking for.
Shang hai is no longer the city ( that) it used to be.
[D]在there be的句型中,和先行词为way时,关系代词总是省略
There is an old man ( who) wants to see you.
I don't like the way ( that) you talk to somebody else.
第3个回答  2010-12-19
关系副词时when where how why 等