

Blind date
Girl: Do you have a suite of three rooms and one hall?
Boy: No.
G: Do you have a car of Honda Accord?
B: NO.
G: (stand up) I have to go.
B: (mumble to himself) I have a villa, why do I live in a flatlet?
G: (staying)
B: (talk to himself) I have a Benz car, why do I change to a Japanese car?
The girl comes back with a nice smile, and continue to talk to the boy.
B: I have impawned my villa and car for carve out, I have no cash now.
G:(She hit the roof) I have many works to do, I have to go.
B: But the Angel Funds of Japanese asset injection to my company to come into season.
The girl turns aroud and sits down, blind date continue.
B: But IT industry like a rising wind and scudding clouds, the stocks fell down under issue price, it's about to belly up.
The girl is silent and stand up.
B: Luckily, Microsoft have purchased my company for hundreds million, I can carve out again.
G: (turn around and smile) You are mean, tease me all night long.
At this time, two doctors in white coat broke in, and say out of breath: you guy run away from bedlam again, get back and eat medicine right now.