

eg. if he lets you go without a ticket.

1.为什么不是if he let you...

1.eg. if he lets you go without a ticket
2.I let him go without a ticket
第1个回答  2005-12-15
第2个回答  2005-12-15
I think you mean "let" and "let's"


LET as transitive verb: Inflected Form(s): letted or let; letting

LET as a noun:
1 : something that impedes : OBSTRUCTION
2 : a shot or point in racket games that does not count and must be replayed

LET as a verb:
Inflected form(s): let; letting
transitive senses
1 : to cause to : MAKE <let me know>
2 a : to offer or grant for rent or lease <let rooms> b : to assign especially after bids <let a contract>
3 a : to give opportunity to or fail to prevent <live and let live> <a break in the clouds let us see the summit> <let the opportunity slip> b -- used in the imperative to introduce a request or proposal <let us pray> c -- used as an auxiliary to express a warning <let him try>
4 : to free from or as if from confinement <let out a scream> <let blood>
5 : to permit to enter, pass, or leave <let them through> <let them off with a warning>
6 : to make an adjustment to <let out the waist>
intransitive senses
1 : to become rented or leased
2 : to become awarded to a contractor
synonym see HIRE
- let alone : to leave undisturbed also : to leave to oneself
- let fly : to hurl an object
- let go : to dismiss from employment <the firm let him go at the end of the month>
- let it all hang out : to reveal one's true feelings : act without dissimulation
- let one have it : to subject to vigorous assault
- let rip 1 : to utter or release without restraint <let 'er rip> 2 : to do or utter something without restraint <let rip at the press>
- let the cat out of the bag : to give away a secret
第3个回答  2005-12-15
第4个回答  2005-12-15