

The flight of time, time flies like a shuttle., the twinkling of an eye and ushered in a new summer belongs to life, but this summer vacation is very special, because it is we entered the first summer since high school, after a year of high school life, we will arrange and spend a pleasant and meaningful summer vacation.
1 first completed a summer schedule according to this table through every holiday.
2 seriously doing school work, regularly.
3 actively participate in physical exercise, strong physique.
4 to actively participate in the "harmonious family, hand in hand" welcome Special Olympics activities.
5 give their love, to participate in the "blue sky action students sharing, caring for children of migrant workers and vulnerable groups care grow up.".
6 as a group to participate in the "reading, Shanghai, the growth experience of" social practice activities.
7 see a movie, to write a review.
8 participate in an essay, write the unique thoughts and ideas.
9, read a book, write a reading notes.
10 according to their own situation, the Internet security.
That's the plan for the summer holiday.

1. 首先完成一份暑假中的作息时间表并按照此表渡过每天假期。

2. 认真完成学校作业,每天定时定量。

3. 积极参加体育锻炼、怎强体质。

4. 积极参加“和谐家庭,牵手同行”迎特奥活动。

5. 奉献自己的一份爱心,参加“共享蓝天,关爱成长”的农民工子女及弱势群体学生关爱行动。

6. 以组为单位,参加“阅读上海,体验成长”社会实践活动。

7. 观看一场电影,写一篇影评。

8. 参加一次征文,写出独特的思想和观点。

9. 读一本好书,写一篇读书笔记。

10. 结合自身情况,安全上网。
