译林版牛津英语9A的Unit6的阅读Detective stories中的所有词组。谢谢了 。


序号 Chinese English
1 穿着……衣服(强调状态) be/get dressed in…=wear..=be in.. = have on…
像那样打扮 be dressed like that
盛装, 打扮, 装饰, 伪装 dress up (as a ghost)
给某人/某人自己穿衣服 dress sb./oneself
2 看见/听见/注意到某人做某事(强调全过程) see/hear/notice sb. do sth. (改为被动时要加to)
看见/听见/注意到某人正做某事(强调动作) see/hear/notice sb. doing sth. (改为被动时结构不变)
3 不见了;消失了 go missing = be missing (系表结构)= be lost
4 给某人做笔录/ 做有关某人的笔录 make notes on sb.
5 因某事而被通缉 be wanted for sth.
6 中等高度(个子) medium height
7 在一家服装店的门口 in the doorway of a clothes shop
8 对(做)某事感兴趣 be interested in (doing) sth.
9 用小刀攻击某人 attack sb. with a knife
…被人用小刀攻击 …be attacked with a knife
10 流血致死 bleed to death
11 (作为)结果 as a result
12 打斗的迹象 evidence of a struggle
13 进行(激烈地搏斗);
(还有:张贴;举起;建造之意) put up (a good fight)
14 有……罪 be guilty of …..
有谋杀罪 be guilty of murder
15 有证据证明……. have evidence to prove …
16 导致…….;导向…… lead to…
17 为…….提拱……(钱)的奖赏 offer a reward of ……(money) for…….
18 破案(解决犯罪) solve a crime/case
19 呼吸急促 breathe heavily
20 控告某人某事 charge sb. with sth.
….被控告某事 …be charged with sth.
21 闯入…. break into…
22 一个衬衫上带有血的人 a man with blood on his shirt
23 吸入……/ 送出…… take ….in / send …out
24 不止一个进攻者 more than one attacker
25 用光;耗尽 run out
26 被卷入……..;与……相关联 be involved in….
27 一份报酬丰厚的工作 a well-paid job
28 下班回家 come home from work
29 有犯罪记录 have a criminal record
30 有偷盗的犯罪记录 have a criminal record for theft
31 一个关于绑架案的报告 a report on the kidnapping case
32 在十月二十八日的早晨 on the morning of 28th December
33 在他妹妹的婚礼上 at his sister’s wedding
34 其它的某个地方 somewhere else
35 排队等候 wait in the queue
36 与某人相处(得好) get along (well) with sb.
get on well with sb.
37 做某事为了谋生 do sth. for a living
38 在犯罪现场 at the scene of the crime
在犯罪发生的时候 at the time of the crime
39 在晚上一个人出门 go out alone at night
40 因某事而逮捕某人 arrest sb. for sth.
因为某事而被逮捕 be arrested for sth. = be under arrest for sth
41 赶公共汽车 catch a bus
42 与某人交朋友 make friends with sb.
给某人树敌 make sb. some enemies
43 销售量的增长 an increase in sales
44 敢于做某事 dare to do sth.
45 保持记录 keep a record
46 向某人报告某事 report sth. to sb.
向警方举报某人 report sb. to the police.
47 在他三十五岁左右时 in his mid-thirties
在某人50几岁时 in one’s 50s
48 对某事/某物很熟悉 be familiar with sth.
对某人来说很熟悉 be familiar to sb.
49 在过去的几年中(常用于完成时) over/in/during the past few years
50 犯法;违法 against the law