quite a few和quite a little区别是什么?


“quite a few”和“quite a little”这两个短语都用来表示相对较多的东西。但是,两者之间有一个细微的区别。

“quite a few”用于指代相对较多的东西。例如,你可能会说“我有不少书 I have quite a few books.”来表示你有很多书,但不是数量过多。

“quite a little”用于指代相对较少的东西。例如,你可能会说“我有不少钱 I have quite a little money”来表示你有些钱,但不是很多。

一般来说, “quite a few”比“quite a little”用来描述更大的数量。但是,这些短语的确切含义会根据上下文而有所不同。例如, “我有不少朋友 I have quite a few friends”可能意味着你有很多朋友,也可能意味着你有几个要好的朋友。


    “我有不少书,但我一直在寻找更多。I have quite a few books, but I am always looking for more.”

    “我不确定我的账户里还有多少钱,是不少还是很少。I am not sure if I have quite a little or quite a few dollars left in my account.”

    “派对上有不少人,但没有太拥挤。There were quite a few people at the party, but it was not too crowded.”

    “我只对这款软件有过不多的经验,但我认为我已经开始掌握了它。I have only had quite a little experience with this software, but I think I am getting the hang of it.”

