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The Mid Hillside Spa Villas lies against the hill, hides in the trees on the mid-mountain, around by Halcyon atmosphere.
An independent private hot spring pool with very unique style of decoration drives you away from the hustle and bustle in your life and gives you a taste of the quiet life.
Here, you can experience the tranquility of nature and fresh, and have an intimate contact with nature.

第1个回答  2010-11-25
Mid hillside spa villas, hidden in the trees in the Mid-Cong, Ning Jingyi However, an independent private hot spring pool, very unique style of decoration, away from the hustle and bustle of your life and taste the quiet life. Here, let you experience the tranquility of nature and fresh, to make you and your most intimate contact with nature
第2个回答  2010-11-25
Half hillside hot spring villa mountain while build, hidden in green green basket, halcyon atmosphere in the mountainside, independent private bubble hot spring ponds, extremely unique decorate a style, make you far away from the noisy life, savour quiet life. Here, can let you understand nature halcyon with pure and fresh, can let you with nature to undertake the most intimate contact