

1. It is also known as...
2. Be named as
3. Go by the name of
4. Call *** /sth as /name *** /sth as
5. A person is known as...
6. Be called 或 Be named
7. Today, in our class, China to help Chen Guangbiao announced that he will donate all his property, valued at over five billion dollars, to charity after his death. The news sparked an animated discussion among his classmates. Some students believe that Chen sets a good example for other billionaire entrepreneurs, teaching family and relatives to learn to live independently. Others think that Chen's actions are only for positive publicity and that he will not donate all his property, but should set aside some for investment and reproduction research.
8. Refer to *** as
9. "Hereinafter referred to as..." in English often means that after writing a long term, put the abbreviation in parentheses, and then use the abbreviation next time. For example: Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions for the development and function of living organisms... The main role of DNA in the cell is long-term information storage. Generally, there is no need to specifically say "hereinafter referred to as". If you are allowed to translate flexibly, you can follow the example I gave.