人教pep小学六年级英语下册各单元知识要点 (请写详细)


Unit1 How tall are you?
tall—taller更高的      short—shorter更矮的
long—longer更长的    old—older年龄更大的
young—younger更年轻的 strong—stronger更强壮的
thin—thinner更瘦的    heavy—heavier更重的
big—bigger更大的 small—smaller更小的
1. —How tall are you? —I’m 164 cm tall.
你多高?  我是164厘米高。
2. —How heavy are you? —I’m 48 kg.
你多重?  我是48千克。
3. You’re shorter than me.
4. You’re 4 cm taller than me.
5. I’m thinner than you, and shorter.
funny—funnier更滑稽的 meter米 ton吨 each各自,每个 squid鱿鱼 lobster龙虾 shark鲨鱼 deep深的 seal海豹 sperm whale抹香鲸 killer whale虎鲸 even甚至
1. —How long are your legs? —76 cm.
你的腿多长?  76厘米。
2. —How long is its tail? —Its tail is about 30 cm long.
它的尾巴多长?  它的尾巴大约是30厘米长。
3. —How big are your feet? —I wear size 16.
你的脚多大?  我穿16码。
4. —How old are you? —I’m 12 years old.
你多大? 我12岁。
5. Line up from shorter to taller!
①直接加er,如old—older; ②末尾是e的,只加r,如nice—nicer;
Unit2 What’s the matter, Mike?
hurt疼痛   have a fever发烧    have a cold感冒;伤风 have a headache头疼    have a toothache牙疼 sore疼的 have a sore throat喉咙疼 tired疲劳的;累的 excited兴奋的 happy高兴的 sad忧愁的;悲伤的    angry生气的;愤怒的 bored无聊的;烦人的   matter事情;麻烦   nose鼻子
1. What’s the matter? 发生什么事了?
2. My throat is sore. 我的喉咙痛。
3. My nose hurts. 我鼻子疼。
4. How are you? 你好吗?
5. You look so happy. 你看上去很高兴。
6. You look sad today. 你今天看起来是忧愁的。
feel感觉 sick不舒服的;有病的 get the flu/have a flu得了流感 people人们 medicine药 drink饮料 match比赛 between在……之间 a little有些 laugh at因……发笑 win—won赢 better(good的比较级)更好的
1. —How do you feel? —I feel sick.
你感觉怎样? 我感觉不舒服。
2. —How does Amy feel? —She’s tired./She feels tired.
Amy感觉怎样?  她感到累。
3. I am going on a big trip.我将要去长途旅行。
4. I failed the math test.我数学考了不及格。
5. I’m sorry to hear that.我很抱歉听到那个消息。
1. —How do you feel? —I feel sick.
—How does Amy feel? —She’s tired./She feels tired.
2. My leg hurts.我的腿受伤了。hurt是动词。当主语是第三人称单数时,用hurts;否则,就用hurt。
例如:My arm hurts. My arms hurt. I hurt my leg. He hurts his leg.
3. have a fever等有have的词组,当主语是第三人称单数时,have应变为has。 例如:I have a cold.
She has a cold.
John has a cold.

Unit3 Last Weekend
watch—watched看 wash—washed洗 clean—cleaned打扫 play—played玩   visit—visited看望 do—did做 go—went去    read—read读;阅读
watched TV看了电视 washed the clothes洗了衣服 cleaned the room打扫了房间 played football踢了足球 visited grandparents看望了外祖父母 went to a park去了公园 went swimming去游了泳 went fishing去钓了鱼 went hiking去了远足 read a book读了书
2. —What did you do last weekend? —I played football.
上个周末你做了什么?  我踢了足球。
2. —Did you read books? —Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.
你看了书吗?  是的。/不是的。
cook—cooked做(饭)walk—walked步行 return—returned送回;归
study—studied学习 jump—jumped跳 fly—flew飞 swim—swam游泳 is—was是
busy忙碌的 tongue twister绕口令 suddenly突然地 grateful感激地 yesterday昨天
1. —What did you do yesterday? —I went hiking.
昨天你干了什么?  我去远足了。
不规则变化的动词过去式,没有规律可言。例如:take—took, see—saw, go—went。

Unit4 My Holiday
learn—learned学习 climb—climbed爬 row—rowed划(船) dance—danced 跳舞  sing—sang唱歌   take—took照;拍 eat—ate吃  buy—bought买  see—saw看见 learned Chinese学了中文 sang and danced唱了歌,跳了舞 ate good food吃了好吃的食物 took pictures拍了照片 climbed a mountain爬了山  bought presents买了礼物   saw elephants看了大象 went skiing划了雪
went ice-skating溜了冰
1. —Where did you go on your holiday?假期里你去了哪儿?
—I went to Xinjiang.我去了新疆。
2. —How did you go there? 你是怎么到那儿的?
—I went by train.我是乘火车去的。
3. —What did you do? 你干了什么?
—I went skiing.我滑了雪。
relax—relaxed放松 prepare—prepared准备 leave—left离开   get—got到达   cousin堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)兄弟姐妹
miss想念  have, has—had I’ll = I will
1. —What did you do there? 你在那儿做了什么?
—I sang and danced with my new friends.我和我的新朋友们唱了歌,跳了舞。
1.一般现在时。意义:表示经常、习惯的动作;常用搭配:always, often等;构成:动词原形,但当主语是第三人称单数时,动词加s或es。例如:I often get up at six. He often gets up at six.
2.现在进行时。意义:表示正在进行或发生的动作;常用搭配:now, at this moment等;构成:be+动词的ing形式。例如:He is playing football.
3. 一般过去时。意义:表示过去某一时间发生的动作;常用搭配:yesterday, last week等;构成:动词过去式。例如:He watched TV yesterday.
4. 一般将来时。意义:表示将要发生的动作或状态;常用搭配:tomorrow, next year等;构成:be going to。例如:He is going to Beijing this weekend.
第1个回答  2011-05-14
1. How old are you ? I’m 11 years old.
Ann is 12.
Ann is 1 year older than me.
2. How tall are you ? I’m 150 cm tall.
3.Who’s taller than you ?
John is 154 cm tall.
John is taller than me.
John is 4 cm taller than me.
I am shorter than John.
I am 4 cm shorter than John.
4.How heavy are you ? I’m 40kg.
5.Who’s heavier than you ? Sarah is 48 kg.
I’m thinner than Sarah. Sarah is heavier than me.
6. How big are you feet? I wear size 17.
Mike wears size 18. Mike’s feet are bigger than me.
7.How long are your legs? 76 cm.
Ann’s legs are 70cm.
My legs are longer than Ann.
8.How are you feeling? Fine. How are you? I have a headache.
9.What’s the matter?
I feel sick. I have a fever.
My throat is sore. My nose hurts.
10. How do you feel? I feel sick.
How does Amy feel? She is tired\angry\excited\happy\bored\sad.
11.What did you do last weekend\yesterday?
I played football\went hiking\read a book\visited my grandparents.
12.Did you read books?
Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.
13.Where did you go on your holiday? I went to Xinjiang.
14.How did you go there? I went there by train\by plane.
15.What did you do on your holiday? I bought presents\saw elephants\went skiing.
16. Where are you going on your holiday? I am going to visit Kunming.
17.Who are you going with? I’m going with my mom and my dad.
18.What are you going to do there? I’m going to see folk dances.
19.How is your family going to get there? We are going by plane.
20.When are you going? We are going this weekend.本回答被提问者采纳