求my mine you you your yours we us our ours he him

求my mine you you your yours we us our ours he him his his she her her hers hers it it its its they them 造句

My dog ran away追答

It is mine.

You are so nice.

Are you going to go shopping?

It is your book.

It is yours.

We are friends.

Let us go.

Our dogs ran away.

The books are ours.
He ran away.
Let him go.
She is his mother.
His dog ran away just.
She goes away.
Her mother is going to Beijing.
Her father is reading.
The pen are hers.
It is easy to read.
It is mine.
Its cover is red.
its eyes are big.
They will go to shop.
Let them go to work.

真是不好意思 自己有事给忘了 真不好意思

第1个回答  2014-10-18