
本作品是以法国 香奈儿品牌为中心 为了向广大名品消费者简单明了得介绍本品牌而制成。
它象征着一个国家的 时尚文化 且以其惊人的著名之称 成为了所有喜欢名品消费者生活中不可缺少的一部分。
但是,随着社会的不断发展的进步 人类的消费观也渐渐变得盲目。
有的人以虚荣心购买它 有的人以一个品牌的认知度而购买 并不曾对它有所了解。
所以,此书以香奈儿的历史环绕为中心 区分各个时尚种类 按照消费者的购物取向 以POP-UP形式 做一本香奈儿时尚杂志。
以新颖的、简洁的方式 向永久性消费者仔细的介绍品牌的性质 得到第一瞩目;并且吸引更多未曾了解想要了解它的消费者。

2)本作品运用 制作泡菜的罐子做成特别的商标 与其他品牌相比 具有差别化以更简洁的方式向消费者传达中国四川泡菜的信息而得到更多的瞩目。
泡菜是韩国代表性发酵食品 以其国家带有的价值观输出国内外一直备受人们的喜爱;中国四川省虽然一直都存在泡菜这个东西,但是很少有人会想要去购买它。此商标的制成希望把四川泡菜带向全国像韩国的泡菜一样一直得到国民不间断的关心。以“四川”“泡菜”汉字为中心 变形制作成传统的泡菜罐子 新颖独到见解的方式向广大消费者传达信息。更好的获取消费者的关注。

This work is based on France Chanel brand-centric to the famous made of simple and clear to introduce the brand and consumers.
Chanel is France one of the female representative of famous brands.
It symbolizes a State of fashion culture and is famous for its amazing all like famous are said to be an integral part of the consumer life.
From the origin of the brand to date it has been much consumers love.
However, as society continues to progress in the development of human consumption gradually became blind.
Some people purchase it in vanity and some people in a brand perception and purchase does not have to understand it.
Therefore, surrounded by history as the center of this book to Chanel to distinguish fashion category in accordance with the orientation of consumers shopping in POP-UP forms do a Chanel fashion magazine.
In the novel, concise manner to the permanent attention of consumers carefully describes the nature of the brand of the first, and attract more consumers have not know want to know it.

2) the work of making kimchi jars made of special use of trademarks and other brand compared with the differences in a more concise manner the information conveyed to consumers in China's Sichuan pickles and get more attention.
Kimchi is Korea representative fermented foods to their countries with the values of output has been much people loved at home and abroad; although there has been pickled in China's Sichuan province this thing, but few would want to buy it. Made this trademark hope to take Sichuan pickle with the country like Korea pickles as nationals has been a constant concern. "Sichuan", "pickle" centric deformation of Chinese characters made into pickle jars novel and unique perspective of the traditional way of providing consumers with information. Better get the attention of consumers.
第1个回答  2011-05-13
