

我的家乡台州位于浙江中部海岸,台州自然风光雄奇秀丽。 古朴庄严。玄远清幽。清晨,人们早早地起床了,透过窗隐隐约约地可以看见几个农民在田里干活。露水撒在岸边的野花上小草上,风一吹,它们抖了抖身上的水,好像在告诉人们:新的一天来了。晨曦中传来一阵阵口号声,原来是附近的一所小学里的学生在做早操。太阳徐徐升起,雾渐渐散了。 温暖的阳光照在大地上,蓝蓝的湖水波光粼粼。金光闪烁,就像一个淘气的男孩在眨着眼睛。我的家乡有一处风景名胜,叫作“长屿硐天”,位于浙江台州湾南隅温岭市东北,坐落举世闻名的“石板之乡”长屿镇境内。我最喜欢里面的凌霄硐,位于长屿硐天东园区凤凰山东侧,由8个洞体组成,洞厅面积-6000多平方米,最高处32米,凌霄硐宫中有个池子,里面有一个龙门,下面蜿蜒盘旋着一条龙。 池子中有荷花,漂浮着荷叶。里面还有双门硐。 观夕硐。水云硐等。我爱我的家乡。
My hometown Taizhou is located in the central coast of Zhejiang, the Taizhou natural scenery is magnificent and beautiful.Simple and solemn. The abstruse quiet. In the morning, people get up early, through the window to see a few indistinct farmers working in the fields. Dew sprinkle water in shore of wild flowers and grass, the wind blows, they shake shake, seemed to tell people: a new day has come. A burst of slogan sound in the morning, the original is a primary school near the students in doing morning exercises. The sun rises slowly, the fog gradually dispersed.The warmth of the sun shining on the earth, water is blue glittering. Spangle, is like a naughty boy in the eyes. My hometown is a place famous for its scenic beauty called "Changyudongtian", located in Taizhou, Zhejiang Wenling bay south corner of the northeast, the famous "stone town" Changyu Stone Town, the territory is located. I most like the inside of the revitalization of the cave, in Changyudongtian, Dongyuan Phoenix Shandong side, composed of eight holes, hole hall area of more than 6000 square meters, the top 32 meters, revitalization of the underground palace has a pond, there is a gantry, the following winding circling a dragon.Lotus pond, floating lotus leaf. There is also a double chamber. The concept of Xi tong. Cloud chamber. I love my hometown.