
1、你表弟学英语吗?不他学日语。2、他们不在唱歌,他们在跳舞。3、苏海在弹钢琴吗?是的,他在弹钢琴。4、爷爷在睡觉吗?不,他在听音乐。5、奶奶在做什么?她在扫地。6、王老师明天下午将给我们讲故事。7、下星期日我们将举办一次野餐。8、下月我舅舅将来看我们。9、明天下午我们将参观博物馆。 (注:只采纳自己翻译的,凡借助其它东西翻译的一律不采纳)

1、你表弟学英语吗? 不他学日语。
Does your cousin study English? No he studies Japanese.

They're not singing, they're dancing.

Is Su Hai playing the piano? Yes, he's playing the piano.

Is grandfather sleeping? No, he's listening to music.

What is grandma doing? She's sweeping the floor. (grandma = grandmother)

Teacher Wong will tell us a story tomorrow afternoon.

Next Sunday we will be having a picnic.

Next month my uncle will be coming to see us.

Tomorrow afternoon we will tour the musuem.

如对你有帮助,请及时采纳—— ♥
第1个回答  2012-07-19
1. Is your cousin learning English? No, he is learning Japanese.
2. They aren't singing. They are dancing.
3. Is Su Hai paying the piano? Yes, he is.
4. Is Grandpa sleeping? No. He is listening to the music.
5. What is Grandma doing? She is sweeping the floor.
6. Teacher / Mr Wang is going to tell us stories tomorrow afternoon.
7. We are going to have a picnic next Sunday.
8. My uncle is going to visit us next month.
9. We are going to visit the museum tomorrow afternoon.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2012-07-19
1.Does your cousin learn English? No,he doesn't. He learns Japanese.
2. They are not singing, they are dancing.
3. Is Suhai playing piano? Yes, he is palying piano.
4. Is grandpa having a sleep? No, he isn't. He is listening to the music.
5.What is grandma doing? She is sweeping the floor.
6.Mr Wang is going to tell us a story tomorrow morning.
7.We will have a picnic next Sunday.
8. My uncle will visit us next month.
9.We will visit the museum tomorrow afternoon.
第3个回答  2012-07-19
1.Is your cousin studying English? No, he is studying Japanese.
2.They are not singing but dancing now.
3.Is Su Hai playing the piano? Yes,he is.
4.Is our grandpa sleeping? No, he is listening to the music.
5.What is our grandma doing? She is sweeping the floor.
6.Teacher Wang is going to tell us a story tomorrow afternoon.
7.We are going to have a picnic next Sunday.
8.My uncle on my mother's side will come to see us next month.
9.We are going to visit the museum tomorrow afternoon.
第4个回答  2012-07-19
1.Does your cousin learn English?No, he learns Japanese.
2.They are dancing instead of singing.
3.Is Su Hai playing the paino?Yes,he is.
4.Is grandpa sleeping?No, he is listening to the music.
5.What is grandma doing?She is sweeping the floor.
6.Miss Wang will tell us a story tomorrow afternoon.
7.We are going to have a picnic next Sunday.
8.My uncle will visit us next month.
9.We are going to visit the museum tomorrow afternoon.