

We all grew up, step by step to the face of their own to set goals and work hard, dream come true by our efforts now, maybe some people will deny yourself, think you can't, could not achieve their goal of Russia, they think that only the wise man can do their own ideals, but the stupid people can not, do you think about Edison, everyone thinks that Edison is a genius, lovely MDS themselves did not think so, he thinks that genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration, his words will tell us, if you try your best to do nothing is impossible if you don't try to hard,, the thing you don't do it, not to mention your dream, if you think they are stupid, but not to struggle, you will waste your life, don't go for their dreams are hard, then you will lose the meaning of your life, don't deny myself, only the efforts will be fruitful, only hard work will be the ideal of tomorrow.
第1个回答  2012-09-20
We all grow up, step by step, and will face in their efforts to the target set, the realization of dreams depend on our efforts, maybe some people will deny themselves, and think you can not, it is impossible to reach the Russian goal, They think that only those smart people can do their own ideals, but the people are not stupid, and how you think Edison that Edison was a genius, Edison himself does not think so, He believes that genius is 1 % inspiration and 99% perspiration, he then told us that as long as you try to do nothing is impossible if you do not go hard, and that what you will not do, not to mention their dreams, if you think yourself stupid and not go hard, you will be abandoned to their own life, do not go for their dreams by working hard, then you have lost the meaning of life, Do not deny yourself, Only efforts will be fruitful only hard ideal tomorrow
第2个回答  2012-09-19
We are all growing up gradually, step by step, trying our best to reach the goal we put for ourselves. The success of our dreams comes from all the effort we have made. Sometimes, people will think that they're not able to reach their goal, and only all the smart people can succeed. Well, what do you think of Einstein then? People think that Einstein is a genius, but even Einstein himself does not agree with that. He thinks that a genius is one percent of inspiration plus ninety-nine percent of effort. He's telling us, that if you try your best, then there's nothing you can't do. If you do not put in effort, then you can't do anything, much less your dreams. If you think the reason for you not to try your best is because you think you are stupid, then it's like wasting your own life. If you do not work hard toward your dreams, then there will be no more reason for you to live on this world. Don't give up easily, because no pains, no gains. Only after you work, you will see your bright future lying ahead of you.
第3个回答  2012-09-19
we are growing gradually and make efforts to the goals that we have set. Our dreams will come true with the efforts we have made. some people may deny themselves, and they might think they are not able to achieve the goals which they have set. Moreover, they think only the people who are smart can make dreams come true, people who are not such clever may fail to achieve their goals. How about Edison? Almost everyone thinks that he is a genius, however, he did not think so, he thought that a genius needed 1% of gift, but the rest 99% was hard working. What he had said told us that you can do anything you want if you work hard, yet your dreams will never come true without making any efforts. You will waste your life if you do not try your best just because you think yourself is not so smart; You can not realize the true meaning of living on the earth if you do not try your best to make your dreams come true. Do not deny yourself, no pains no gains. The future will be brighter if you work harder.追问



