

(O): Good afternoon, Madam. May I help you?
(A):Yes. I leFt my ???? at your store when I was here this morning.
(O): 别著急, 请你形容一下你的运动外衣的特徵.
(A):它是蓝色的, 上面有一个SP的标志
(O): OK. 让我找找, Is this your运动外衣,madam?
(A): No, that isn't mind. 我的运动外衣比你手中的那件大
(O):让我再找找! What about this one? Is this yours?
(A):Yes, that isn't. Thank you very much.
(O):You're welcome.

O): Good afternoon, Madam. May I help you?

(A):Yes. I left my sports shirt at your store when I was here this morning.

I'm in urgent need of it. Please help me.

(O): 别著急, 请你形容一下你的运动衫的特徵.

OK!Take it easy!Please describe your sports shirt.
(A):它是蓝色的, 上面有一个SP的标志

It is blue, and there is a 'SP' logo on it.

(O) 好吧! 让我找找,。女士,这是不是你的运动衫?

(O)OK. Let me find. Is this your sports shirt, madam?

(A): 不是,那件不是我的, 我的运动衫比你手中的那件大

No, that isn't mine. My sports shirt is bigger than the one you are holding.

(O):让我再找找! 这件又如何哩?是不是你的?

Let me find again. What about this one? Is this yours?

(A): 是的,它是我的。谢谢你!
Yes, that is mine. Thank you very much.

You're welcome

2008-03-01 12:54:28 补充


第1个回答  2008-03-01
1. I desperately need it, can you help me?
2. Don't worry, can you describe your sports jacket for me?
3. It's a blue jacket and has the letter SP on it.
4. Ok, let me have a look, is this your sports jacket, madam?
5. .....My jacket is bigger than the one in your hand.
6. okay, let me have a look again.
第2个回答  2008-03-01
1.It is an emergency, could you please help me?
2.Don't worry,could you please make description of your athletic suit?
3.it is blue with a brand SP
4.let me see
5.athletic suit
6.mine is bigger
7.okay give me another minute to find it
第3个回答  2008-03-01
O:Don't worry, Please describe your sports coat.
A: It's a blue one with a label written SP on it.
O: OK. Let me look it for you. Is this your sports coat,女士?
A: 不 这不是我的。 Mine is bigger than the one in your hand.
O:Let me try again. 那么这个呢,这是你的么?