
1 请问,去人民公园, 我应该乘坐那路公交车呢?

2 从这里到人民公园,乘坐公交车 大概需要12分钟,打出租车 需要5分钟。

3 那个地方很远,晚上回来的时候 就没有公交车了,你只能打出租车回来。

4 从这里到乘车去 动物园 还要多久? / 大约需要多少分钟?

5 现在距离 动物园,还有几站 ?

( 语境是: 两个人都在公交车上,一个人,问另一个人,还要再坐几站,可以到动物园)


1. Excuse me, could you tell me which bus I can take to get to the citizen(or RENMIN) park?
2. If u take the bus here, it could take you 15 minutes, or 5mins by taxi.
3. Oh it's pretty far from here, you may not be able to come back by bus, only taxi is available.
4. How long does it take to ride/drive from here to the zoo??
5. Excuse me, can you please tell me how many stops left for this bus to get to the zoo???

用英语的话,最好多用excuse me 和please,问完之后thank you也是很必要的~~
第1个回答  2012-10-06
到人民医院的车有。 2路 3路 127路 210路(210是到人民医院后门)