

今天是你23岁的生日!首先,最简单的方式向你说一声“生日快乐”!希望你能每天开心健康·平安快乐!其次,我感谢你的爸爸妈妈(我未来的岳母,岳父)让你来到了这个世界 ,那么辛苦的培养了你23年!是他们把完美的你完整的赐给了我!他们就是我的上帝,让我有机会得到了我一生中最喜欢,最想要的礼物---我的XXX!在23年前的今天是阿姨最痛苦的一天,是妈妈的受难日!再次向我们的妈妈致以崇高的敬意!感谢这么伟大的母亲在这么伟大的时刻,带来了这么美丽大气,这么懂事乖巧,这么可爱迷人,这么贤淑善良的女儿!未来是属于我们的!希望亲爱的愿意与我一起携手努力,来共同铸造我们的幸福!知道亲爱的不喜欢山盟海誓·我也不喜欢·但是真的不知道说什么才能表达出我内心真实的情感·请允许我的庸俗!心中的牵挂系着你,有你心不再孤寂.

你到底要多长的 要喊多久的! 先随便给你一点!
第1个回答  2012-06-18
as long as you love me baby (ps:虽然有点老 但是很好)

As Long As You Love Me 只要你爱我 [1]   Although loneliness has always been a friend of mine.尽管孤独一直是我的朋友   I'm leaving my life in your hands. 我愿将我的生活交给你   People say I'm crazy and that I am blind. 人们说我疯了太盲目   Risking it all in a glance. 毫不犹豫赌上所有感情    How you got me blind is still a mystery.你为何能使我如此盲目仍是个谜   I can't get you out of my head. 我就是无法忘了你   Don't care what is written in your history.我不在乎你过去的种种   As long as you're here with me. 只要你陪在我身边   I don't care who you are. 我不在乎你是谁   Where you're from.你从哪里来   What you did.你做过什么   As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好   Who you are.你是怎样的人   Where you're from.你从哪里来   Don't care what you did.我不在乎你做过什么   As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好   Every little thing that you've said and done.所有你说过的话和做过的事   Feels like it's deep within me.都深深的烙印在我心里   Doesn't really matter if you're on the run.我甚至于不在乎你是否就要逃开   It seems like we're meant to be.我以为我们是一对的   I don't care who you are.我不在乎你是谁   Where you 're from.你从哪里来   What you did.你做过什么   As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好   Who you are.你是怎样的人   Where you 're from.你从哪里来   Don't care what you did.我不在乎你做过什么   As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好   As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好   I've tried to hide it so that no one knows.我试着把感情隐藏起来不让任何人知道   But I guess it shows.但我想我无法不流露真情   When you look in to my eyes.当你凝视着我时   What you did and where you're coming from.你做过什么从哪里来   I don't care As long as you love me,baby.我不在乎,只要你爱我就好,宝贝   I don't care who you are.我不在乎你是谁   Where you're from.你从哪里来   What you did.你做过什么   As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好   Who you are.你是谁   Where you're from.你从哪里来   Don't care what you did.我不在乎你做过什么   As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好   Who you are.你是谁   Where you're from.你从哪里来   What you did.你做过什么   As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好   Who you are.你是谁   Where you're from.你从哪里来   As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好   Who you are.你是谁   As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好   What you did.你做过什么   I don't care.我不在乎   As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好

my heart will go on (我心永恒) 这是泰坦尼克号的主题曲
第2个回答  2012-06-19
第3个回答  2012-06-17