

Unit 6
1. play computer games玩电脑游戏
2. not bad 不坏,还好
3. pretty good相当好
4. Around The World show《环球世界》栏目
5. a beautiful, sunny day阳光明媚的一天
6. on vacation在度假
7. take photos拍照 = take a photo
8. look at 看,瞧
9. a group of一群
10. play beach volleyball打沙滩排球
11. look cool看起来很酷
12. in this heat在高温下,在这么热的天
13. an interesting place 有趣的地方,名胜 = a place of interest
14. have a good time玩得高兴,过得愉快 = have fun
15. Around China 《走遍中国》