
This is the person who, having got cancer at such an old age, was able to recover and practice wushu again on regular basis – five times a week.

The Food Standards Committee是集体名词(collective noun),因此动词suggest用复数形式。集体名词虽然形式上是一个单词,但是意义上表达一个群体,所以动词用复数,不用第三人称单数。这点还可以从in their report上进一步确认,这里的物主代词是their,所以对应they-committee。类似的词还有The Graham's familiy, Chinese people, Our class等。

In their recent report是状语,表示地点、位置。

1) 主语 The Food Standards Committee
2) 插入语(guardians of our laws on food purity,labeling and advertising)
3) 谓语 suggest
4) 状语 in their recent report
5) 间接宾语 to the government
6) 直接宾语 that we do not need any extra vitamins.

The Food Standards Committee suggest (that) to the government. 食品标准委员会向政府建议(某个建议内容)。

1) 主语为集合名词,上文有解释。

2) 插入语是一类特殊结构,是为了解释说明加入的额外信息。这里注意两点:一是插入语本身不是句子成分,可以从句子中直接删掉而不影响语法和阅读(可以原句为例试一下)。二是插入语不是严谨的语法结构,正式文体中不用或少用,因为大多数插入语可以用从句结构代替。

3) 谓语,用复数形式,见上文解释。

4) 状语,在这个句子中表示位置 —— 在其近期报告中。状语理论上可以放在句子的任何位置而不影响句意。所以分析句子结构里可以暂时忽略或者放在最后。比如:
The committee suggest extensive revisions on the regulation in their report.
In their report, the committee suggest extensive revisions on the regulation.
The committee suggest extensive revisions, in their report, on the regulation.
三个句子中,in their report不管放在哪里,表达的意思是一样的,只是强调的重点稍有不同,不影响阅读。第一个句子更容易分析结构。

5)6) 间接宾语,表示目的和方向。直接宾语,表示谓语suggest的直接对象,即建议的内容。直接宾语和间接宾语的顺序可以互换不影响语意。例如:
She passes the book to me.

第1个回答  2021-12-10


    这句话的主语是This,is是系动词,the person是表语。整个句子是主系表结构。who引导一个定语从句。在这个定语从句中,was是系动词,able to recover and practice wushu是表语。having got cancer at such an old age 是现在分词短语作状语,again on regular basis是时间状语。five times a week是其前时间状语的同位语


    定语从句的先行词是人,在从句中充当主语,所以用who引导。the person是逻辑主语,与get是主动关系,同时已经患有癌症,所以用现在分词的主动完成式,即having got cancer。



第2个回答  2021-12-19
This,指示代词作句子的主语。is 系动词做句子的谓语,一般现在时。the person,名词做句子的表语。who,关系代词引导定语从句。having got cancer.at,such,an,old,age,现在分词短语作定语。was定语从句的谓语 able 定语从句的表语。to recover动词不定式,定语从句的宾语。 and 并列连词。practice wushu,和前面的动词recover并列。again,定语从句的状语。on,regular,basis定语从句的状语。–five times a,week这是个名词短语,作为前面的同位语。注意这里的破折号进行解释说明。
第3个回答  2021-12-10


    This是句子的主语, is 是句子谓语,the person 是表语;who……引导的是定语从句,修 having got cancer at such an old age, 是个分词短语插入语,作用相当于条件状语/让步状语was able to recover and practice wushu again 是定语从句的谓语。再细分,其中able…是形容词短语,而不等式短语to recover and practice Wushu又是able的表语(形容词的表语)。on regular basis是定语从句的方式状语。– five times a week.是上述方式状语的同位语,做进一步的解释。


This is the person who, having got cancer at such an old age, was able to recover and practice Wushu again on regular basis – five times a week.

第4个回答  2021-12-20
This is the person who, having got cancer at such an old age, was able to recover and practice again on regular basis - five times a week.


This 主语; is 系动词;the person 表语;who,定语从句代词;( having got cancer at such an old age, )现在完成分词短语做状语;(was able to recover and practice again on regular basis - five times a week.)定语从句。