
阅读the men under went muscle hiopsies in each leg before jumping on the bikes
问which is the first step of the study
A the young men receive muscle hiopsies
Bexercised hard on the stationary bikes 答案B 但 怎么看好像选A
2鲁滨逊的during all this time i never stop thinking about excape when i traveled across to the other side of the island i could see the other islands mand i said to myself perhaps i can get there with a boat ,perhaps i can get back to england one day ,so i decide to make a boat,
问他做船干嘛 A get back to england B to the other islands 两个不都提到了么,怎么选呢
will susan come to our party ,? i am not sure , ,,,,,, her parents don;;t allow her to go A UNLESS B BECAUSE你说的也有道理,我突然觉得好像两个都行,你看,一个我不确定,因为她父母不准她来,所以有可能不来(年轻嘛,有时家长说不准我们还不是偷偷做)
还有就是你说的除非,也就是我不确定,除非他父母不同意 这句话怎么看都觉得好奇怪。
hi do you see my book IT ,,,,,,, on the sofa ,i saw it just now A MUST BE B MAY BE
选A 由 i saw it just now我们可以知道这是对事情的肯定推测! 是啊,万一有人又拿走了呢,我硬要说应该在沙发上吧,我刚看见的,好像也不是不行呢?
恩。有道理 那道是选UNLESS不过算了,你看看这个、
suddenly i realized jane wasn;t only a bus driver which was just her job ,she has a whole world of family and cares too(这后面什么意思?)
i suddenly felt very selfish ,i paid no attention to jane because she was a bus driver i had judged her job and brush her off as unimportant i shouldn't have been selfish and self concerted
what does the writer tries to tell us .?
AWE should try to look deeper into people around us B it is not right to judge the people around us by their clothes .

1. the men underwent muscle hiopsies in each leg before jumping on the bikes
问which is the first step of the study
A. the young men receive muscle hiopsies
B. exercised hard on the stationary bikes 答案B 但 怎么看好像选A
分析:the men 是在 jumping on the bikes 之前underwent muscle hiopsies ,就像一个人捋起袖子要大干一场一样,是不是underwent muscle hiopsies 和jumping on the bikes 都是第一步的前奏,表示他们要exercise hard 了?根据下文再看一下吧

2.鲁滨逊的during all this time I never stop thinking about escape when I traveled across to the other side of the island I could see the other islands and I said to myself perhaps I can get there with a boat, perhaps I can get back to england one day, so I decided to make a boat,
问他做船干嘛 A. get back to england B. to the other islands 两个不都提到了么,怎么选呢

3. Will Susan come to our party?
I am not sure , ,,,,,, her parents don't allow her to go
A. unless B. because 你说的也有道理,我突然觉得好像两个都行,你看,一个我不确定,因为她父母不准她来,所以有可能不来(年轻嘛,有时家长说不准我们还不是偷偷做)
还有就是你说的除非,也就是我不确定,除非他父母不同意 这句话怎么看都觉得好奇怪。
分析:很明显,后半句是I am not sure 的原因,如果真要选A, 后半句与她来不来关系紧要,与我是否确定没有关系。所以选B。

4. -- Hi, do you see my book?
-- IT ,,,,,,, on the sofa, I saw it just now
A. must be B. may be
选A 由 I saw it just now我们可以知道这是对事情的肯定推测! 是啊,万一有人又拿走了呢,我硬要说应该在沙发上吧,我刚看见的,好像也不是不行呢?

恩。有道理 那道是选UNLESS不过算了,你看看这个,上面补充。


suddenly I realized Jane wasn't only a bus driver which was just her job, she has a whole world of family and cares too. (这后面什么意思?)
I suddenly felt very selfish, I paid no attention to Jane because she was a bus driver I had judged her job and brush her off as unimportant. I shouldn't have been selfish and self concerted
What does the writer try to tell us?
A. We should try to look deeper into people around us B. It is not right to judge the people around us by their clothes .
分析:作者用not only强调的是she has a whole world of family and cares too。Jane不只是一个公交司机,她还要照顾家人——是一个家庭的支柱。
一个人的成功和伟大,不应当只看他做的工作(a bus driver ),要看他的生活背景,在怎样的条件下做出什么样的成就;不应当只看他为自己得到什么,更要看他为别人付出、给别人带来了什么。
I shouldn't have been selfish and self-concerted. 表明作者对自己肤浅的判断的自责,所以选A。
