以《分享》为题目写一篇英语作文 高中水平 字数大概120个吧


In today's society, the meaning of sharing seems not understood by many of us, people nowadays tend to be more selfish.
What caused this phenomenon? In my point of view, since it is common that every family just have one child and they grew up alone, it is difficult for them share what they have owned with others, and on the other hand, with our country developed, the characteristics of people have changed, they cheat with each other, and do something harmful to their relationship, the trust between them have totally broken up. They just are on guard against each other, let alone hope they can share with each other.
In terms of this problem, I really hope we can open our heart and be trusted to others, sharing their sorrow and happiness with friends, and sharing what they have with others. It is sharing that makes us not alone and makes our life colorful.(手动)

One biggest issue China faces is the lost of trusty. We should make it clear, honesty is the policy. Everyone should respect each others' credibility. There are couple reasons why honesty makes the society better as a whole. First overall, in business circumstance, being honest just makes everything very easy. People don't have to fake in front of each other and just make trading very efficient. Also, in school, if all students can be honest, there will be no cheating and everyone get credit for what they've done. It is more fair for everyone

第1个回答  2012-06-07
In today's society, the meaning of sharing seems not understood by many of us, people nowadays tend to be more selfish.
What caused this phenomenon? In my point of view, since it is common that every family just have one child and they grew up alone, it is difficult for them share what they have owned with others, and on the other hand, with our country developed, the characteristics of people have changed, they cheat with each other, and do something harmful to their relationship, the trust between them have totally broken up. They just are on guard against each other, let alone hope they can share with each other.
In terms of this problem, I really hope we can open our heart and be trusted to others, sharing their sorrow and happiness with friends, and sharing what they have with others. It is sharing that makes us not alone and makes our life colorful.(手动)追问

能是正面的么 比如说什么是分享 举个分享的例子 字数不要超过120个- -

第2个回答  2012-06-14
One day, god said to a priest: ‘come, And I want to take you to see the hell.” They entered a room where so many people were sitting around a cooking pot. They looked at it but no one wants to say Or do anything. They felt not only hungry but also disappointed .Everyone has a spoon. But the handle of the spoon were too long for the food to be sent into their mouths.
“Come, now I want to take you to the heaven. ”God took the priest to the heaven And entered another room. This room was the same as the first one. There were so many people sitting around a cooking pot, And the handles of their spoon were as long as those of the first group of people. There was nothing different but the atmosphere. People here drank And ate, speaking And laughing.
The priest felt puzzled And asked God. God answered with a smile. ”Can’t you see? people in the second room here learnt to feed each other “ The priest suddenly saw the light.
This story tells us that we should learn to share And give, And develop the good habit of loving And helping one another.
The niggards who we saw in the hell would rather make themselves hungry than share with others. As a British poet said:” Taken away love, our earth would be a grave. Sharing is an idea state, a wisdom And distillation. Sharing love, happiness And sadness is all that we need. There are so many people who don’t want to share with others .whatever they do they will think about themselves first. These people can never understand the real meaning of sharing.
People are always imagining that they can live a good life in the heaven .Because of imagination, we always feel we are far away from the heaven .In fact, the heaven is not far away from us .AS long as we learn to share, happiness always come to us itself.
What can we see in the heaven? The Priest has told us. If two people share sadness their sadness will be greatly lessened. However, if two people share happiness, their happiness will be doubled
第3个回答  2012-06-07
One biggest issue China faces is the lost of trusty. We should make it clear, honesty is the policy. Everyone should respect each others' credibility. There are couple reasons why honesty makes the society better as a whole. First overall, in business circumstance, being honest just makes everything very easy. People don't have to fake in front of each other and just make trading very efficient. Also, in school, if all students can be honest, there will be no cheating and everyone get credit for what they've done. It is more fair for everyone