语言学中 什么是 componential analysis


Componential analysis,指语素分析、成分分析,或者语义成分分析法等,英语定义如下:
1、Componential analysis 语义成分分析法定义
Componential analysis is a method of semantic analysis based on the assumption that the meaning of words can be adequately described by a set of primitive semantic features.
2、Componential analysis 语义成分分析法举例说明
bachelor = [+ MALE], [+ MATURE] or
spinster = [– MALE], [+ MATURE] or
boy = [+ MALE], [– MATURE] or
girl = [– MALE] [– MATURE] or
child = [+/– MALE] [– MATURE].
3、Componential analysis语义成分分析法说明
In other words, the word girl can have three basic factors (orsemantic properties): human, young, and female. Another example, being edible is an important factor by which plants may be distinguished from one another. To summarize, one word can have basic underlying meanings that are well established depending on the cultural context. It is crucial to understand these underlying meanings in order to fully understand any language and culture.
英语词汇都有语义层次或类别,比如相同之处都是人类;不同之处在于划分类别不同,+号表示具备某种属性;– 号表示不具备;比如,单词bachelor【单身狗】;spinster【剩女】都指未婚男女;语义成分分析法将这二个词分解为语义类别,分别是bachelor:人类-男性-未婚;spinster:人类-非男性-未婚;语义区别很容易甄别;其他词汇比如boy、girl、child也可以这样划分语义层次或类别;这样通过语义类别的不同或相同,词汇语义内涵与外延特征很容易甄别。
第1个回答  2012-06-13
Componential analysis成分分析法
Componential analysis, also called feature analysis or contrast analysis, refers to the description of the meaning of words through structured sets of semantic features, which are given as “present”, “absent” or “indifferent with reference to feature”. The method thus departs from the principle of compositionality. Componential analysis is a method typical of structural semantics which analyzes the structure of a word's meaning. Thus, it reveals the culturally important features by which speakers of the language distinguish different words in the domain (Ottenheimer, 2006, p. 20). This is a highly valuable approach to learning another language and understanding a specific semantic domain of an Ethnography.

man = [+ male], [+ mature] or woman = [– male], [+ mature] or boy = [+ male], [– mature] or girl [– male] [– mature] or child [+/– male] [– mature]. In other words, the word girl can have three basic factors (or semantic properties): human, young, and female. Another example, being edible is an important factor by which plants may be distinguished from one another (Ottenheimer, 2006, p. 20). To summarize, one word can have basic underlying meanings that are well established depending on the cultural context. It is crucial to understand these underlying meanings in order to fully understand any language and culture.

Historical background
Structural semantics and the componential analysis were patterned on the phonological methods of the Prague School, which described sounds by determining the absence and presence of features. On one hand, componential analysis gave birth to various models in generative semantics, lexical field theory and transformational grammar. On the other hand, its shortcoming were also visible:
1.The discovery procedures for semantic features are not clearly objectifiable.
2.Only part of the vocabulary can be described through more or less structured sets of features.
3.Metalinguistic features are expressed through language again.
4.Features used may not have clear definitions.
5.Limited in focus and mechanical in style.
As a consequence, entirely different ways to describe meaning were developed, such as prototype semantics.