

An insight and investigation of the survival conditions of the Yulin Ditty
Yulin ditty is a cross art between folk art and folk songs that is popular in the Yulin City of northern Shaanxi Province. It has its specialty and is a wonderful work of folk art. But after circulating for more than four hundred years, it faces a severe test of survival. In order to fully investigate and analyze the problems faced by the Yulin dittys that may impact its survival and development, and to identify effective measures to solve these problems, I started a lot of interviews and social surveys from small folk art and from the ditty audience. The analysis shows that there exists problems of : serious artists aging, lack of heritage successors, people's lack of understanding about its future, and inadequate protection from the government. In order to solve these problems, in the future, the Government has to attach great importance to increase the protection and support efforts, to carry out more advertisements, to attract investments, to improve the artist salary and conditions, and to provide conditions for development. This will let such a wonderful work of art last forever and being commended.
Keywords: Yulin ditty; investigation; survival predicament; solutions