
Hi there!

My name is Daniel Ray, live in North West Alberta Canada. Looking into affordable solutions for irrigating approximately 30 acres to maximum size of 160 acre fields off of a single system. Soil is loamy Clay, sticks to tires bad if it gets wet and tires try to move over it takes awhile for water to soak into it as well it holds water for long time. Land is not all flat some had a slight grade to it. We have been only getting about 3" of rain a year and need about 7" to 10" to maximize our Alfalfa/brome grass hay production. Need high volume of water at certain times of the year, during hottest parts of season and right after we cut hay and need it to jump back again. Looking at irrigating from nearby creek and possibly well water.

我的名字叫Daniel Ray,住在加拿大亚伯特省的西北部。寻找可负担得起的,能为大约30英亩至最多160英亩农田灌溉的独立系统。土壤是肥沃的粘土类,潮湿的时候很容易粘在轮胎上,想要移动轮胎,就必须花时间拿水渗透进去,但同样,粘土会保存住水很长一段时间。土地不是完全平缓,有些地方还有缓坡。这里每年降水量大约3英尺,而我们需要7-10英尺的降水量来保证我们对苜蓿、雀麦草花粉的需求。需要一年的某些特定时间有大量的水。季节最热的时候和割完甘草之后就要立即可以灌溉。可以从附近的小溪,或者有可能的话井水,引水灌溉。
第1个回答  2012-04-19
我叫丹尼尔,雷,家在加拿大西北部的阿尔伯特。研究的是实现浇灌单一耕作体系的农田(面积大约30亩,最大不超过160亩)的经济性解决方案。该农田为壤质粘土,如果很潮湿而车辆轮胎从上面开过,粘土会紧粘在轮胎上,水要渗入其中也要花点时间,其中水分会保持很久。地面并不平整,有点缓坡。我们这儿年降雨量仅为3",苜蓿/雀麦草干草产量要想最大化,降雨量得达到7" 到10" 。特定时间段水量要很高才行,具体就是一年中最热的那段时间,以及我们切下干草并需要其再长回去的时候。 我们看一下用旁边的小河河水或井水浇灌的情况。
第2个回答  2012-04-19
Hi there!

My name is Daniel Ray, live in North West Alberta Canada.

Looking into affordable solutions for irrigating approximately 30 acres to maximum size of 160 acre fields off of a single system.

Soil is loamy Clay, sticks to tires bad if it gets wet and tires try to move over it takes awhile for water to soak into it as well it holds water for long time.

Land is not all flat some had a slight grade to it.

We have been only getting about 3" of rain a year and need about 7" to 10" to maximize our Alfalfa/brome grass hay production.
我们只有得到大约3”的雨一年,大约需要7至10“最大化紫花苜蓿干草/ brome草我们生产。

Need high volume of water at certain times of the year, during hottest parts of season and right after we cut hay and need it to jump back again.

Looking at irrigating from nearby creek and possibly well water.