
谁能帮我翻译一下这段英语啊?Dear Sir : This is to certify that Mr.Li Xingu,who was born on 22/02/1977, is working as Supervisor Of Sichuan Cuisine in our company. His monthly salary is about 7,500RMB, and he has been working in our company since 2014. He has been allowed for a leave to visit Australia from 2018/11/02 to 2018/11/15. All the cost of the travel will be covered by himself. We will keep his position during his visit in Australia. We also guarantee that he will come back to China and continue to work in our units after he returns from Australia. Best Regards

去年,我遇见了您。 我认为幸福来临,并且它仅是从您。 您是很亲切和柔和的。 您吸引了我很多,因此我知道我爱上了您。 那次,我不会描述它,我不会与您相处。 我知道我爱你。
但是有一天,您改变了很多。 我设法学会什么是您的头脑。 但是我出故障。 您得到了,并且,我的心脏生长痛苦。 逐渐,我设法忘记您,我每天非常响亮地笑掩盖我的伤痕…
I知道,我未曾忘记了您。 您拿走了我的心脏。
您回来了,您说您爱我,您说您想要和我呆在一起。 我是非常愉快的。 那天是美妙的。 我希望我们可以永远是夫妇。 但是现在,我有非常可怕的感觉。 意味着我不能感觉您爱我。 我决定离开…的So
三年后,我将回来。 如果您仍然爱我,我相信我们将一起是。
I爱您。 是,永远…
