假定你是李华,最近,你校正在举办和谐校园为主题的英语文化节, 英语作文

假定你是李华,最近,你校正在举办和谐校园为主题的英语文化节,为此,你们班将组织一次主题交流会。请你用英语写一篇发言稿,谈谈你对创建和谐校园的一些想法,内容包括与人相处和校园环境两个方面。 写一篇英语作文 120字左右

Im Lihua. I'm so glad that I can take part in this English culture festval. School is our home. the other students are just like our sisters and brothers. And the teachers are good friends and guides. We are so lucky to live in such a harmonious family. It's our honour to study together, eat together, and play together. We can have more activities to promote our friendship. Such as all kinds of parties every week. Or cooking competitions between different majors. On the other hand, We can beauty our school. like planting more trees in each class's own area. and the students can observe their trees everyday.
That's all my ideas. thanks!
第1个回答  2012-05-18
唔闻欲国之盛者 必纳以进谏 求木之长者 比固其根本 夫如此 而况庠者乎?今外语时节以致 唔等学子承天景命 盖当各书己见 服膺马列之论 秉烛继晷苦学焉 则风气浩然也。。。。。
第2个回答  2012-05-18
第3个回答  2012-05-18
呃.....作文只要语法正确 好写的