请帮我翻译一篇英语翻译,谢谢很急。翻译内容: 尊敬的评委老师你们

请帮我翻译一篇英语翻译,谢谢很急。翻译内容: 尊敬的评委老师你们好
我叫林勇先,勇先,勇先勇于争先,我的性格就如我的名字一样,无论做什么事都积极向上,尽可能的做到最好。 我的身高175厘米,57公斤。 19岁的我 努力、积极、乐观、拼搏 、有上进心。我有着许多的兴趣爱好,其中跑步和打篮球是我最喜欢的。

Dear judges, teachers are good.
My name is Lin Yongxian, Yongxian, Yongxian courage rushed out, my character, such as my name, no matter what are positive, as far as possible do best. My height is 175 cm, 57 kg. 19 year old I work hard, positive, optimistic, hard work, self-motivated. I have lots of hobbies, running and playing basketball is my favorite.
Since I was young, I want to fly in the blue sky, to be able to do warm and thoughtful service for friends around the world is my pleasure. I know as a flight attendant, not only to serve others enthusiasm, but also tolerance, tolerance, khanazir Baichuan mind. I care about others feelings, learn to communicate, learn to smile, learn to enjoy flying to bring their own and other people's happiness.
Perhaps, I am also young, from the dream is still lack of some conditions, but I will work hard, to learn more things to enrich themselves, are eager to get a time to dream of flying opportunities here from the judges. Thank you!追问

