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摘 要


With the spreading domination and promotion of TV shows in the society today, people have higher standards for TV shows in terms of the content, quality, and ideas they intend to convey. In the producing of a TV show, subtitles plays an inevitable part. The title of a TV show is often a punch line extracted from the subtitles, that has the effect of highlighting, explaining and demonstrating. In the studying process towards the accomplishment of this article, the subtitle's definition and its role and impact in theme films will be deliberated, as well as the factors of consideration during the making of a TV theme show, whereas the issue on how to employ TV subtitles properly to ensure the TV show an outstanding theme and harmony as an entity, will be emphasized.
Key words: TV Theme; Configuration(配置根据内容会有很多不同的译法,自己看着办)
第1个回答  2012-05-12
In modern society, with the popularity of TV programs to promote production and completely, making it to the television broadcast content, quality, and other aspects of thought and expression of increasingly high demand. In the TV Festival in the course of production, television subtitle playing an indispensable component. TV subtitles as a TV title appears more, is usually a program on the punchline, program content to emphasize, explanation, description function. In this thesis, with the completion of the process, will be on what is television, television subtitles in the feature film status and influence, in the television program making process should which factor to consider such issues. And how to make rational use of television captions designated as a key to explore, to ensure that the show's theme is highlighted and overall harmony.