
我们要求写篇英语作文但我不会难难难,高手可以帮下忙吗我是大专生,所以不要写的太过幼稚就好了,字数大约在一百左右题目如下:1.success in your mind 2.a moving story 3.happy journey希望有翻译

Happy Journey
In our lives, there are always some unforgettable experiences. These experiences are often along with our growth.
As we know, Shanghai hosted the 2010 World Expo. The World Expo has a long history, but it has never been held in China before. Therefore, I was very excited to know that the World Expo would be held in Shanghai, China.
When the Expo opened, together with my parents, I traveled to Shanghai to visit the Expo Garden immediately. The view of the Expo Garden was very nice. There were many different grand Pavilions within the Expo site that were set up by the participants. I visited most of them, such as the China Pavilion, America Pavilion, and Africa Pavilion and so on. I thought the China Pavilion was one of the greatest Pavilions. All the things showed to us, especially on the Qing Ming Riverside, were wonderful. They were very grand. I am so proud of my motherland, China.
My favorite toy is the mascot of Shanghai World Expo --- HaiBao. It is an elf like a Chinese character “Ren(人)” with aqua blue. The theme of Shanghai Expo was “Better city, better life.” This Expo showed that China has changed into a prosperous and harmonious country.
This experience is unforgettable, because it has let me see the culture around the world. I have learned a lot from it. I will never forget it.
第1个回答  2012-05-17
大学里英语作文主要就那么几步 很简单的 第一段提出两个观点 就像你说的第一个题目吧 在第一段中你可以阐述有些人认为成功是什么 另一些人认为成功是什么 然后提出你自己的观点 你认为哪个观点号的
接着在第二段中你就具体阐述下你为什么认为这个观点好呢 好在哪里 可以举例子阐述
其实这就是英语作文的思路了 你把这三部学会就可以应付大学里四六级考试了
第2个回答  2012-05-17