
Some of you may _________(travel) abroad. But do you know you should not just go in and sit down unless you see a sign __________(say) “Please set yourself”? Often there will be a sign that ________(read) “Please wait _________(seat)”.
Do not expect ___________(share) a table with other parties, even if the restaurant __________(crowd). You may find your waiter unusually friendly. He may ask you how you are, whether you have a good day and, later on say that he hopes you ________(enjoy) you meal. Waiters often actually introduce themselves when they first come to your table. You _________(permit) to use their first names.
The bill, often _________(call) the “check”, comes with tax(税) but no service charge(收费)-------though some restaurants do now ____________(add) a service charge. It is common practice to leave a ten percent tip for lunch, and fifteen percent for dinner.

travel (原形)
saying (现在分词作伴随性状语)
reads (三单,一般现在时)
seated (过去分词表示状态,就坐的意思)
to share (动词不定式)
is crowded (拥挤的,用过去分词作形容词,作表语,前面看错了,应该是“拥挤的”,这句意思是:即使饭店很拥挤,也别指望和别人拼桌,特此更正!)
enjoy(原形,一般现在时,hope +从句,hope to do,但没有hope sb. to do的用法哦)
are permitted (被动)
called (过去分词表被动,被称之为,要用非谓语形式,因为后面有谓语comes了)
第1个回答  2012-05-17
travel /saying/reads/seated/to share(expect to do sth)/is crowed/will enjoy/are permitted/called/add
第2个回答  2013-08-16
travel \saying\ reads\ for seat\ sharing\ is crowded\to enjoy\ permit\ calls \ add \
第3个回答  2012-05-17
travel \saying\ reads\ for seat\ sharing\ is crowded\to enjoy\ permit\ calls \ add \