


    经济快速发展 - 见证了国家崛起的强劲动力 (the dynamic force behind rapid economic growth)
    人民生活水平显著提高 - 活力四溢的民生画卷 (the prosperous lifestyle of the masses)
    经济/心理负担 - 需要理智面对的现实挑战 (the balancing act between financial and psychological pressures)
    考虑诸多因素 - 决策时的全面考量 (balancing multiple perspectives in decision-making)
    另一个角度 - 从不同视角拓宽思维 (embracing alternative viewpoints)
    共同努力 - 团结协作的力量 (the strength of collective efforts)
    有益 - 创造积极影响 (yielding positive outcomes)


34. 贡献社会 - 展现公民责任 (being a responsible contributor to society)

35. 坚实基础 - 成功之本 (a solid foundation for growth)

36. 综合素质 - 全面发展的关键 (the hallmark of comprehensive abilities)

37. 品质无懈可击 - 高品质的保证 (spotless integrity in every aspect)


40. 不可否认 - 现实的承认 (an undeniable truth)

41. 不懈责任 - 勇于担当的义务 (an unwavering sense of duty)

42. 满足需求 - 关注民生所需 (meeting the needs of the people)


46. 方便高效 - 技术的便利 (the convenience and efficiency of technology)

47. 人类生活方方面面 - 全球视野的呈现 (embracing the full spectrum of human life)

48. 环境保护 - 可持续发展的基石 (a cornerstone for environmental protection)

49. 社会进步的标志 - 先进文明的象征 (a testament to societal progress)

50. 科技的飞速发展 - 推动变革的力量 (driving force behind rapid technological advancement)

51. 对同一问题的不同态度 - 多元视角的探讨 (diverse perspectives on a common issue)


63. 对...有害 - 避免负面影响 (mitigating potential harm)

64. 交流思想与情感 - 增进人际连结 (facilitating communication and emotional共鸣)

65. 与时俱进 - 不断适应新环境 (keeping up with the latest developments)


68. 每一边都有优缺点 - 平衡利弊 (balancing the pros and cons)

69. 对...观点各异 - 多元观点的碰撞 (diverse viewpoints on various topics)

重视... attach importance - 突显核心价值 (placing emphasis on essential values)


