
  读 《爱因斯坦》 有感 爱因斯坦是德国犹太人,生于1879年3月14日,他是物理学上相对论的创建者,是20世纪最伟大的科学家之一,在自然科学的许多领域对人类做出了巨大的贡献。但是这位科学巨人,不仅经历过贫困岁月,而且还遭受到德国纳粹党、美国麦卡锡主义的疯狂迫害。他的一生献身科学,反对迷信,敢于破旧立新,富有探索精神;是一个反对法西斯和军国主义不屈的战士,具有强烈的社会责任感,赢得了人们的尊敬和赞扬。   爱因斯坦把他的一生献给了伟大的自然科学事业,使人们在科学的领域又更进了一步,家庭贫困并没有把他压倒,这种精神值得我们去学习,去宣扬。也许,有人会问:这位创建了相对论的大科学家,天资一定很聪明吧?其实,爱因斯坦直到读中学时,功课并不出众。 放学后,他经常被留下来补习功课,老师把他当成个“笨头笨脑的孩子。”     关于时间和空间的物理学问题,爱因斯坦总是有疑问。当时,谁能料想到,以后正是在这个问题上,爱因斯坦作出了划时代的贡献。     爱因斯坦不仅以他的成就,征服了科学界,也以他敢于破旧立新,不断探索知识的精神、强烈的社会责任感征服了全世界。他的事迹表明:人要不断的探索,追求知识,为社会、为人类做出贡献。  是啊﹗为科学界做出巨大贡献的爱因斯坦虽然死了,但是,他伟大的业绩和不断探索知识的精神会像花儿开放在人们心中。

Read" Einstein" Einstein is a German Jew, was born in March 14, 1879, he is the founder of the theory of relativity in physics, is one of the greatest scientist of the twentieth Century, in many fields of natural science to make a great contribution to human. But the giants of science, not only experienced years of poverty, but also subjected to the Nazi Germany, the United States of America Mccarthy's persecution mania. His whole life science, and oppose superstition, dare to destroy the old and establish the new, full of the spirit of exploration; is a struggle against fascism and militarism unyielding warrior, has a strong sense of social responsibility, to win the people's respect and admiration. Einstein devoted his whole life to the great cause of science, so that people in the field of science one more step, family poverty and not overwhelm him, this spirit is worth us studying, to proclaim. Perhaps, someone will ask: who created the theory of relativity a great scientist, talent must be very clever? In fact, Einstein until high school, homework is not good. After school, he is often left to private tuition, the teacher put him as a " stupid child." About time and space physics problems, Einstein was always in doubt. At the time, who would have thought that, when it is on this question, Einstein made an epoch-making contribution. Einstein not only to his achievements, conquered the scientific community, and he dare to destroy the old and establish the new, the spirit of continuous exploration of knowledge, a strong sense of social responsibility to conquer the whole world. His story shows that: people to constantly explore, the pursuit of knowledge, make contribution for the society, for mankind. Yeah! Dead for the scientific community to make a huge contribution to Einstein though, however, his great performance and the spirit of continuous exploration of knowledge as the flowers open in the hearts of the people.


第1个回答  2012-06-26
Read"EinsteinfeltEinsteinGerman Jews,was bornMarch 14, 1879, he wasthe creator ofthe theory of relativityinphysics,isoneofthegreatestscientistsofthe20th century,inmany areasofnaturalsciencemadea great contributionto human.But thescientificgiant,not onlyexperiencedthe yearsofpoverty,but alsosubjected toNazi Germany,thepersecutionofMcCarthyism.His lifetimedevotion toscienceand opposesuperstition,dared tonew channels,fullofthe spirit of exploration;isanindomitablefighteragainstfascism andmilitarism,with a strongsense of social responsibility, has wonthe respectand praise.Einsteindedicatedhislifetothe greatnaturalscientific enterprise, so that peopleinthefieldofsciencea step further, family poverty,andnotoverwhelming, this spirit isworth learningto preach.Perhaps, someone will ask:whocreated thetheory of relativityscientists,talentmustbevery smart?In fact,Einsteinuntilsecondary school,homeworkis not outstanding.After school,he oftenlefttoprivate tuition, the teacher puthim as"clumsychild."Time and spacephysics, Einstein wasalwaysin doubt.Atthattime, whounsuspecting,afteritison this issue,Einsteinmade alandmark contribution.Einsteinnotonlytohis achievements,to conquerthe scientific community,with hisdare tonew channels, continuing to explorethe spiritofknowledgeanda strongsense of social responsibilityto conquer the world.His deeds:to constantlyexplore,the pursuit of knowledgefor the community,to contributeto mankind.Yes ah!Einsteinmake a huge contributiontothe scientific community, though he were dead,buthis greatperformanceandcontinue toexplorethe spiritofknowledgein people's mindsasthe flowersopen.Ihelp himtoanswer本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2012-06-26
Read the "Einstein" inductive Einstein is German Jew, was born on March 14, 1879, he is the founder of the physics of relativity, the 20 th century is one of the greatest scientists in many fields of science of human made great contribution. But the scientific giants, not only experienced years of poverty, but also suffered the German Nazi party, the United States McCarthyism crazy persecution. His life dedicated to science, opposing superstition, dare to iconoclastic, rich exploring spirit; Is a against fascism and militarism unyielding warrior, has a strong sense of social responsibility, won people's respect and praise. Einstein put his life to the great natural science, so that people in the realm of science and more took one step, the family is poor and not put him down, this spirit is worth us to learn, to promote. Maybe someone will ask: the create the theory of relativity great scientists, talent must be very smart? In fact, Einstein straight
第3个回答  2012-07-03
Read the "Einstein" inductive Einstein is German Jew, was born on March 14, 1879, he is the founder of the physics of relativity, the 20 th century is one of the greatest scientists in many fields of science of human made great contribution. But the scientific giants, not only experienced years of poverty, but also suffered the German Nazi party, the United States McCarthyism crazy persecution. His life dedicated to science, opposing superstition, dare to iconoclastic, rich exploring spirit; Is a against fascism and militarism unyielding warrior, has a strong sense of social responsibility, won people's respect and praise. Einstein put his life to the great natural science, so that people in the realm of science and more took one step, the family is poor and not put him down, this spirit is worth us to learn, to promote. Maybe someone will ask: the create the theory of relativity great scientists, talent must be very smart? In fact, Einstein straight