以" My Mother "为题,用英语写一篇短文。

以" My Mother "为题,用英语写一篇短文。
要点:① 妈妈是护士,在县人民医院工作。 她工作努力,工作中严格要求自己,因此,她的同事们对他评价很高;
② 2003年参加抗击"非典"的战斗。为了保护我们免受"非典"的侵害,一个多月没回家。当时,我非常想念妈妈;
③ 我爱妈妈,并为妈妈而自豪。
要求:⒈ 条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确;
⒉ 要点必须叙述完整,并可适当发挥;
⒊ 不得少于8句话。
参考词汇:县 county;  抗击fight against;
战斗battle;    非典 SARS;

My mother is a staff, she was in the county people's hospital her hard work, the work of strict demands on themselves, and therefore, her colleagues for his highly, thus leading to her seriously very reuse her, but should be her job, make me more lonely.
In one day in 2003 she go to fight "SARS" battle. In order to protect us from "SARS" violations, she has more than a month didn't go home. At that time, I am very lonely sad miss mom, but she again with "SARS" I had to endure, because I know mother's not easily, so I understand her.
This is my mother, I love her very much, she has her work and proud, I should be mother and proud!
第1个回答  2012-09-03
My motherMy mother is a nurse of the county hosipital.she work hard and strict with herself.so her colleagues appraise her who is very good.In 2003,my mother joined in the battle of fighting against SARS.For keeping away us from the violation of SARS,my mother without going home more than a month.At that time,I had missed my mother very much.I love my mother and being proud of my mother.不够句数。。。