

They have been married for ten years


1、I marvel why she should want to marry him.

2、Consider,that by marrying Morgiana you marry the preserver of my family and your own.

3、He had to find a woman who would marry him, to push a pram and carry only one change of underwear!

4、Firstly, she did not intend to marry at all.起初她根本没打算结婚。

5、Marry someone who's not neurotic.不要和神经质的人结婚。

6、Why did she marry a man old enough to be her father他都可以当她爸爸了,她怎么嫁给了他?

7、It is harder to marry a daughter well than to bring her up well.养女容易嫁女难。

8、Duke:the prince, sire, swears he'll marry nonce but the girl who fits this slipper.公爵:陛下,王子发誓说只娶能穿上这只水晶鞋的女孩。

9、Your ladyship wants Mr. Darcy to marry your daughter;你只是一心想要达西先生跟你女儿结婚;

10、We have come to ask if you would marry them.我们来问问您是否能主持他们的婚礼。

11、Please marry me.请嫁给我吧。

12、I reckon he is rather too old to marry again.我认为他的年龄太大不适于再婚。

13、Nobody expected her to marry a rich guyLife is full of surprise她还能嫁给大款,世界真奇妙。

14、I only know her granddaughter is gonna marry next week.我只知道她的孙女下星期要结婚了。

15、This caused Little shortly to marry Long.这件事情使利特儿不久就娶了朗。

16、He would marry no other woman, and she would marry no other man.一个是非她不娶,一个是非他不嫁。
