
The nurse was encouraged that the young woman wanted to talk about anything. “Carangi, G.” had been severely depressed and mostly uncommunicative during her stay. She had first been admitted to the medical wing for treatment of pneumonia and low white-blood-cell count. When blood tests revealed that she was HIV-positive, she was placed in an isolation ward and treated gingerly, if at all, by hospital personnel largely uninformed about the disease. Even though it was already the summer of 1986 and health care workers were supposed to know better, unfamiliarity was still breeding contempt. Some nurses and orderlies were donning rubber gloves or “space suits” before entering her room, and they were wiping down her phone every time she used it, which only exacerbated her depression and suicidal feelings.

这个青年女子开始无所顾忌的讲话,这使得护士很受鼓舞. 吉雅·卡兰芝一度很抑郁,在住院期间竟乎不能跟别人进行正常交往.她首次被医疗联队认定为肺炎和白细胞数量低少.血液测试显示,她艾滋血液呈阳性,随即被安置在隔离病房并对她进行谨慎护理。尽管已经是1986的夏天,医务工作者应该对艾滋病有较多的认知,但几乎所有医护人员对这种疾病一无所知,而无知只能产生对这种疾病的轻视.每次护士和勤务人员在进入她的房间之前,都得戴上橡胶手套,穿上“太空服”,并对她使用过的电话进行消毒擦试,这会在无形当中加剧她的抑郁和自杀情结.
第1个回答  2012-06-28