
The lady got up and waved good-bye. She walked off down the road, leaving me to think about what she’d said. If wisdom ran in my family, more than likely I’d get some too. Then I would be more like Roy Rogers—and more like Daddy and Grandma, I guessed. Maybe I had good examples to follow right at home. Somehow I wasn’t quite as disappointed to miss the matinee. I was still thinking about what the lady had told me the next morning when we went to church. Reverend Downs gave a sermon about angels. It didn’t seem to have anything to do with me, until he said, “You never know when you might be in the presence of one.”

这位妇人站了起来,并挥手,再见。她走出路面,把我留在那;思索她曾说过什么。如果,一位贤人跑进我的家,也更像我曾得到的那些。然后,我猜想,我会更像罗伊.罗杰斯--,还更像爹爹和奶奶 。也许,我在家就已经有了好的典范了去学习了。不知怎么地,我对于错过了午后的戏,并未怎么失望。我仍然在想关于第二天早晨我们到教堂时,这位妇人曾告诉我的什么。可尊敬的当斯牧师给予的关于神圣天使布道。它好像似没什么与我有关的任何事,直到他说:“你从来不知道,什么时候你可能是参与者之一”。