


1. 医生: Physician/Doctor 

2. 护士:Nurse 

3. 助理医生:Physician's Assistant 

4. 药剂师:Pharmacist 

5. 牙医:Dentist 

6. 兽医:Veterinarian 

7. 眼科医生:Ophthalmologist 

8. 心理医生:Psychologist 

9. 物理治疗师:Physical Therapist 

10. 职业治疗师:Occupational Therapist 

11. 急诊医生:Emergency Physician 

12. 外科医生:Surgeon 

13. 放射科医生:Radiologist

14. 麻醉师:Anesthesiologist 

15. 产科医生:Obstetrician 

16. 儿科医生:Pediatrician 

17. 耳鼻喉科医生:Otolaryngologist 

18. 皮肤科医生:Dermatologist 

19. 传染病医生:Infectious Disease Specialist 

20. 肿瘤专家:Oncologist



1. Doctor 医生: An individual who practices medicine

2. Nurse 护士: A person trained to care for the sick or infirm, especially in a hospital

3. Surgeon 外科医生: Someone who performs surgical operations 

4. Dentist 牙医: A person who specializes in treating diseases and disorders of the teeth and gums 

5. Psychiatrist 精神科医生: A medical practitioner specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness 

6. Pharmacist 药剂师: A person who is professionally qualified to prepare and dispense medicinal drugs. 

7. Radiologist 放射科医生: A medical doctor trained to diagnose and treat injuries and diseases using medical imaging procedures 

8. Psysiotherapist 物理治疗师: A healthcare professional who assists patients in restoring movement and managing pain 

9. Occupational Therapist 职业治疗师: A healthcare professional who helps people with physical, emotional, or developmental challenges to gain the necessary skills to participate in daily life activities 

10. Ophthalmologist 眼科医生: A medical doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases and conditions. 

