
1.It was six o’clock in the morning _ they arrived at the small village.
A. that B. which
C. when D. where

2。It was at six o’clock in the morning _ they arrived at the small village.
A. that B. which
C. when D. where
3.It was in the lab __ was taken care of by
Jack __ they did the experiment.
A. which, that B. where, that
C. where, where D. /, that

I like watch TV.强调就是:I do like watch TV.
He likes eating.——He does like eating.
I ate the apple.——I did eat the apple.

二的句式就是 It is......that.......
把句中要强调的部分放在前面的上省略号,后面照抄即可,所以这种强调句的突出特点就是你把“It is that”去掉后整个句子仍然正确,如果去掉后不对,就不是省略句。
第一题,假设是省略句,把it was 和横线(that)去掉后:six'o clock in the moring.......显然不对,要加at才成立,所以1不是省略句而是时间状语从句,所以填when.
第三题是强调句和名词性从句的复合句,第一条横线填which充当从句宾语(因为从句was taken of by Jack没有表明Jack take care of 的是什么,所以缺宾语),后面填that后形成强调。
第1个回答  2012-03-28
强调句就是 it is .......that 中间加的是被强调的部分,除了谓语动词都能强调。
判断一句话是否是强调句, it is .......that 去掉后还是完整的句子就是强调句,反之,则不是。

由此判断:1 C when 引导的时间状语从句
2。A 强调句
3 A 强调句 去掉it was that 来看
they did the experiment (in the lab which was taken care of by jack。)括号里的地点是被强调的地方,其中被强调的地方lab后还接了个定语从句 ,which代替先行词lab在定语从句中做主语