
Do you still have toys from childhood?Do you have any old baseball card or dolls?If you do,keep them.Old toys and other things can be worth a lot of money.Many people collect old things,and they are often ready to pay high pricesfor for them.For example,a Matchbox toy car used to sell for about $25 in the 1970s.Now these toy cars regularly sell for about $50.One collector even paid $14,000 for a Matchbox cars!People collect almost anything.But if you want collectors to pay top dollars,you must take good care of your toys because collectors are uaually only interested in toys in excellent condition.You will also have to wait quite a while.Toys usually aren't valuable until they are at least 20 or 30 years old.So put your toys away carefully and be patient.One day they may be like gold!

第1个回答  2012-08-25