

I really love to eat, I even consider eating as one of my hobbies. I like fresh fruit and vegetables, but I don't really like meat, especially processed ones.
In the morning, I usually have a banana and some yogurts for breakfast, sometimes I will also added a boiled egg. For lunch, a bowl of fresh salad is a must, along with a fresh made sandwich. Ham and luncheon meat are of course excluded since I think they are really unhealthy. At night, I usually eat more cooked vegetables such as lettuce and broccoli. I would also eat some healthy meat, such as fish and chicken breast, to get protein. And there will be fresh fruit for late night snack if I get hungry later at night.
我很喜欢吃东西,我甚至认为吃东西是我其中一个爱好。我喜欢吃新鲜的蔬果,不过我不太喜欢吃肉,尤其是腌制过的肉。 早上,我通常吃一根香蕉和一些酸优格, 有些时候还会加一颗煮鸡蛋。 中午的时候,一碗新鲜沙拉是很重要的,还有一个新鲜制作的三文治,裏面当然没有火腿啊午餐肉之类的,因为我觉得这种肉很不健康。晚上的时候我通常会多吃一些煮熟了的蔬菜,例如生菜和西兰花之类的。我也会吃肉,像是鱼肉啊,鸡胸肉啊之类的去摄取多一些蛋白质。 如果晚上饿了我还会吃一些新鲜水果。