

1.She in not fond of cooking,( )I.
A.so am. B.nor am C.neither do. D.nor do
2.August15,2007 is one of the greatest days in his life( )he was accepted by a university.
A.while B.that C.which D.when
3.John was so sleepy that he would hardly keep his eyes( ).
A.open B.to be opened. C.to open D.opening
4.Next year my little sister( )ten years old.
A is to be B.is going to be C.shall be D.will be
5.We had hardly left the building( )it fell down.
A.where B.since. C after D.when
6.he,like you and xiaowang( )to the concert.
A.were invited to go B.is to invite C.was invited D.are inviting
7.Something urgent happened,I suggested that a meeting( )immediately.
A.held B.was holding C.be held D.was held
8.She is neither( )American nor( )Asian. She is( ) European.
A.an an an B.an an a C./,/,/ D.a ,a,an
9.The guests were ( )in the front rows( ) to the president attentively.
A.seating,listened B.seating,listening
C.seated ,listened D.seated,listening
10.The problem of who and how to go to rescue the people trapped in the mountain( )
A.are being discussed B are discussing C.is being discussed D.is discussing

1.She in not fond of cooking,( )I.
A.so am. B.nor am C.neither do. D.nor do
2.August15,2007 is one of the greatest days in his life( )he was accepted by a university.
A.while B.that C.which D.when
3.John was so sleepy that he would hardly keep his eyes( ).
A.open B.to be opened. C.to open D.opening
4.Next year my little sister( )ten years old.
A is to be B.is going to be C.shall be D.will be
D 用will be 表示纯粹的将来. 或临时决定
be to do 表示按计划,注定,命令要做..
be going to do 表示主观打算,或自然现象
shall do 表示将来用于第一人称
5.We had hardly left the building( )it fell down.
A.where B.since. C after D.when
d hardly ..when ..一...就..是固定句型
6.he,like you and xiaowang( )to the concert.
A.were invited to go B.is to invite C.was invited D.are inviting
c 考察主谓一致问题 ...like/with /including/but /besides/except/as well as ...连接两个主语时符合舍近求远的原则
7.Something urgent happened,I suggested that a meeting( )immediately.
A.held B.was holding C.be held D.was held
C suggest后接宾语从句表示建议时用虚拟(should)+do
8.She is neither( )American nor( )Asian. She is( ) European.
A.an an an B.an an a C./,/,/ D.a ,a,an
B 用a or an看音标,元音前用an ;辅音前用a
9.The guests were ( )in the front rows( ) to the president attentively.
A.seating,listened B.seating,listening
C.seated ,listened D.seated,listening
D sb be seated =sb seat oneself某人坐下 listening...做伴随状语,与主语存在主动关系
10.The problem of who and how to go to rescue the people trapped in the mountain( )
A.are being discussed B are discussing C.is being discussed D.is
c 主语是The problem .谓语用单数,根据句子含义,这个问题正在被讨论中,被动正在进行的动词.
第1个回答  2008-02-18
B 前面she is...谓语动词是is,后面要对应,所以要用am

D he was accepted by a university是定语从句,但是后面那个从句没有修饰前面的词,你仔细看下会发现,后面那个句字已经完整了,不缺主语和宾语,所以不能用that ,which,所以只有是当..时了

A根据楼上两位说的,确实有keep + doing, keep to + do.但是这里open是形容词,keep sth adj,这题我有把握对的,假如是open的话,open是及物动词,后面要加宾语的







A who and how to go to rescue the people trapped in the mountain是两个问题所以要用复数

第2个回答  2008-02-18
C. neither do i. neither = 否定的too/also。
B. that
D. opening . keep + doing, keep to + do.
B. is going to be. going to 将来一定会发生的,will 将来可能会发生
D. when , 当那建筑倒下,我们困难的逃出来。
C. was invited. 单数,就一个人(he),被请去合奏
D.was held. 被动句+过去时。
C./,/,/ 打比方,im chinese,但我们不会说im a chinese.能理解不?
B. seating, listening. 过去式+进行式。如果were seated 就成了被动式。后面的listening 可以看成 were seating and listening
C. is being discussed. 因为是problem,不是problems。被动式
第3个回答  2008-02-18