
()1.A marathon race around the city was held to —— money for the homeless.
A. gather B. share C. collect D. contribute
()2.A child 's vocabulary will —— be on the way to success.
A. spread B. expand C. extend D. distribute
()3.A good education will get you , as far as I am concerned , —— for your future.
A. to equip B. equip C. equipping D. equipped
()4.Such exercise should not so easy for women to —— work and family.
A. consulting B. commenting C. connecting D. communicating
()That is a health program from which everyone in this region will —— .
A. earn B. benefit C. content D. satisfy
()6.Dick is tall and large , so it is easy to —— him in the crowd.
A. admit B. realize C. watch D. spot
()7.His silecce during the discussion , in my opinion , —— nothing but objection to the plan.
A. referred to B. amounted to C. appealed to D. contributed to
()8.Sometimes some great scientfic discoveries were made almost rurely —— .
A. by the hour B. by no means C. by chance D. by heart
()9.The movie company has done so much to —— its honour.
A. expand into B. pick up C. build up D. turn up

have fun
in memory of
come to life
account for
cut down
rather than
in general
catch sight of
make a bet
()4.Such exercise should not be attempted without first —— your doctor.
A. consulting B. commenting C. connecting D. communicating

1.c 2.b 3.d 4.c(你打错问题了吧,其实没答案) 5.b 6.d 7.a 8.c 9. c

have fun 玩的开心
in memory of 纪念
come to life 变得活跃/苏醒过来
account for 说明/解释

cut down 减少
rather than 宁可....也不愿
in general 一般来说
prevent...from... 防止 (from是和prevent共用的) prevent from doing something
catch sight of 看见
make a bet 打赌追问



hmm refer to 意思是‘指的是’,amount to则是‘等同‘

amounted to-他在讨论时的沉默,对我而言,等同是对此计划有所反对
referred to - . ,指的是对此计划有所反对。
amount to会比较恰当吧




1.collect money 募捐 (gather‘集合’是用在人,share是分享,contribute是贡献)
2.vocab will expand 词汇量会扩张 (spread是散布,extend是伸展,distribute是分配)
3.equipped for your future为你的未来做好准备(在这里‘equipped’是形容词,其他都不能用)
4.consulting your doctor看医生(comment是评论,connect是连接,communicate是沟通)
5.everyone in this region will benefit这区域的人会从中得到好处
(earn只是‘得到’的意思,没说明是好处,content是满意,应该是‘will be content',satisfy也是满意,应该是'will be satisifed')
6.spot him in the crowd从人群中认出他 (admit是承认,realize是意识到,watch是看)
8.purely by chance纯粹是偶然 (by the hour是按小时,by no means是绝不,by heart是熟记)
9.build up its honour建立起荣誉 (expand into是扩大,pick up是收集或跟上,turn up是出现)



我这里在第1题前面有一个辨析:collect 和 gather
gather 一般表示由少积多的收集;collect 通常表示有目的或有挑选的收集。



